TBD on Ning

End of life Options, aging . What will happen to the baby boomers as they age?

I have been taking courses in Gerontology. I have been very impressed by the prediction of a staggering increase in elderly needing full time nursing care.



The population of older adults will grow dramatically over the next 50 years, especially the "oldest old" (those 85 and older).

• The large numbers of children born between 1946 and 1964 (the "baby boom" generation) will reach their 65th birthdays between 2011 and 2029. Between 2000 and 2020, the U.S. population will add 19 million older adults. Overall, the numbers of older adults in this country will grow 138% in the next fifty years. By the year 2050, one of every five Americans will be age 65 or older.




Given the inablity of the politicians to agree on healthcare for the young, I believe it is highly unlikely they will be able to prepare for this problem in time. Medicare provides for rehab services; NOT for board and care. That is on the patient or his family until all their assets have been consumed. Then, the state agencys kick in. But, the cost is not going to remain stable nor is the availablity of funds. I submit that this will give birth to a new plan for the elderly: assisted suicide or even genocide (remember Soylent Green?). It's not pretty. But, unfortunately with the pitiful track record for healthcare reform in this country, I can see a trend in this direction. Does anyone else see this coming?

Check again the priorities for the Y generation given us by Maricel. How caring for the

old and disabled do you believe they will be? Caring enough to pay up to keep some helpless old person alive?


Tags: aging, alzheimers, facilities, healthcare, nursing, skilled

Views: 26

Replies to This Discussion

"Well damn't John, can't you come up with some sort of extreme cancer or terminal disease?
You know that would solve everything. Granted you would be dead, but by gosh & by golly, your wife would be rolling in dough."

I'm sure something will come up. But, my wife still likes having me around. If I die before age 65, she gets a bundle. If after, all she gets are survivor's benefits to my pension and whatever I can hide from her in the bank.
I never had money in the first place, so that's something I wont have to worry anymore or less about....when it's time, it's time...But when the boomers are gone...Rock n Roll will never be the same.
As a fiction writer and an avid fan of speculative fiction, I agree that the outlook for a great many of my Boomer family is not good. Social Security is on the verge of collapse. Medicaid and Medicare are headed for the toilet faster than SoSec. Without stringent and immediate regulation, Health Care Insurance companies will shortly see the handwriting on the wall and discontinue millions of policy holders simply on the basis of their 'age'...although I'm just as certain their legal eagles are searching for a more PC way to say it....doesn't change the fact that it's AGE and the accompanying health issues. Those without strong retirement incomes are in a deep deep world of hurt.
And no thanks to this drastic economic downturn - that will mean millions of people.
"And no thanks to this drastic economic downturn - that will mean millions of people"

And, the fatcats who put us here wont care. You'll hear the mantra "They should have planned better" a lot.
"In an era when resources are increasingly being squeezed while the population ages and health care needs increase, the elderly and the dying compete against other portions of the population for health care services. Given the high and seemingly disproportionate costs of health care for the elderly and those in the final phase of life, these 'users of excessive medical resources' may be the targets of cost-saving efforts..."

"There is a far more serious concern regarding third parties that we must consider…the fear that infirm, elderly persons will come under undue pressure to end their lives from callous, financially burdened, or self-interested relatives, "

Here is a link to a writer who has written a book about her mothers suicide. It is to be published next month. As someone who has gone through a parental suicide (here in the states- non assisted) and other family elder suicides (in Canada and in England and Austria - all physician assisted) I have first hand knowledge of the issues that must be dealt with.


Thanks again for the definition of EOL John - my research shows me that every state has it's own mandate for handling end of life issues. Important information for estate planning. Now I understand yet another reason why my father insisted upon taking his own life. I will explain this when better rested. It's been a long evening here on TBD.

This is an issue that impacts upon us all and to my mind is less partisan and more pragmatic.




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