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End of life Options, aging . What will happen to the baby boomers as they age?

I have been taking courses in Gerontology. I have been very impressed by the prediction of a staggering increase in elderly needing full time nursing care.



The population of older adults will grow dramatically over the next 50 years, especially the "oldest old" (those 85 and older).

• The large numbers of children born between 1946 and 1964 (the "baby boom" generation) will reach their 65th birthdays between 2011 and 2029. Between 2000 and 2020, the U.S. population will add 19 million older adults. Overall, the numbers of older adults in this country will grow 138% in the next fifty years. By the year 2050, one of every five Americans will be age 65 or older.




Given the inablity of the politicians to agree on healthcare for the young, I believe it is highly unlikely they will be able to prepare for this problem in time. Medicare provides for rehab services; NOT for board and care. That is on the patient or his family until all their assets have been consumed. Then, the state agencys kick in. But, the cost is not going to remain stable nor is the availablity of funds. I submit that this will give birth to a new plan for the elderly: assisted suicide or even genocide (remember Soylent Green?). It's not pretty. But, unfortunately with the pitiful track record for healthcare reform in this country, I can see a trend in this direction. Does anyone else see this coming?

Check again the priorities for the Y generation given us by Maricel. How caring for the

old and disabled do you believe they will be? Caring enough to pay up to keep some helpless old person alive?


Tags: aging, alzheimers, facilities, healthcare, nursing, skilled

Views: 26

Replies to This Discussion

I intended this post for "Tough Questions and Answers". My apologies.
You don't need to appologize, John. That is the fact. Many peoples are buying the falsehood, spread by the insurance industries, and they are perching them as parrots. This morning, I was listening a "christian" radio station, they are doing more slanted propoganda about the health care reform than the hate radios. I tried to go on the air, correct the misleading statement, the screener hold me for 20 minuites and hung up on me. The host said this health care bill was written by planned parenthood that it has " Abortion on demand" on it. This is a propoganda by christian radio station. At the end of the program, they are asking for help. I don't blame many of the people out there, the propoganda are too many and too confusing.
It is horifying that the gas, oil and energy companies mudding the issues about the global warming, the insurance industries about health care. Now thanks for the politicains of the Supreme Court Judges that they can elect The Manchurian Candidate legally-with money.
James wrote: "Now thanks for the politicians of the Supreme Court Judges that they can elect The Manchurian Candidate legally-with money."

Yes. Permission to buy the electoral collage votes overtly rather than covertly.
One of the deepest concern is that as we age - we will be dictated to by not one but three angry generations who will be paying the price for our 50 years plus of disregard for their financial future.
An interesting take on the subject by a British journalist for The New Statesman,
"The baby boomers had everything – free education, free health care and remarkable personal liberties – but they squandered it all. Now their children are paying for it."

This light motif of ire is being repeated by many a (younger) Canadian journalist. With certain exceptions - I think there is a ring of truth for American Boomers also.

Which is to say - Americans received far less for their tax dollar than either the Brits. or the Canadians - and have even more to fear as they age, as there is absolutely no safety net for our elderly once their assets have been depleted.

The article is incorrect that the British get "free" health care. Their system is very similar to that of Canadians.
So will the Brits and the Canadians, so don't feel too badly TobyRow. The Canadian Govt. is pushing for retirement age to be extended to 67 or 68 so as not to have to pay out full social security until later, and is endeavoring at present to tax our partial pension that we are eligible for at 60 at an even higher rate than it is at present.

Yes - and property taxes pay for general education in the UK and Canada, however in both countries the Government also shares the burden based on import taxes. It "seems" free but of course nothing is. I posted the link to give you all another perspective.

The question is - will one be permitted to work as one ages. So many can not now find work who are over 45, never mind 55 or 65.

I have plowed through the (white paper would one call it?) links that John provided. Chilling.
I'm 62 and can't find a job. No social security and no Medicare B. I'll be choosing the EOL option so my wife can survive. My pitiful LTC stuff wont cover me. I dont want my wife to suffer. I do have a pension. But, it wont cover LTC.
Sorry John, I'm unfamiliar with the term EOL ?

Is LTC is Long Term Care? Thks.
End Of Life
Thank you.




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