TBD on Ning

It should come as no surprise that Sarah Palin has expressed support for shamed radio talker and egomaniac, Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Schlessinger announced on Larry King that she would leave her radio broadcast at the end of her current contract, after an all too revealing moment of racial tonedeafness while dealing with a black woman caller who had sought advice on how to deal with racist comments from her white husband's friends.

My mother heard the actual broadcast in real time, but I first read a transcript of the "moment" before hearing the "full monty," as it were, on youtube. The spot needs to be enshrined in libraries across the country, because it provides such a wonderful opportunity for mining illustrations on just how deeply racism is embedded in our society and how oblivious large segments of the population are to (1) its existence, and (2) its effects. Further illustrating why we are still dealing with race after all this time, is Sarah Palin's tweets in support and defense of the indefensible.

This young man, while using some questionable language and tying his response to his, shall we say, underappreciated step-mother, nevertheless makes some very valid points. His revulsion, while listening to the clip, is palpable. Schlessinger's interview on Larry King was absolutely consistent with the young man's analyses of the talk show host, as she contradicts her own stated reasons for leaving her show, and falsely claims her right to free speech had been violated. Rather remarkable videos (both), but taylor-made for sparking conversation and discussion on the topic. A real teachable moment.

So Schlessinger gets a cuddle buddy in her "hour of need" having been so "unfairly maligned" in the court of public opinion, and Palin gets her name in the media again to raise money from whatever groups of racial animus that might respond to this kind of thing. All in all, another typical day in America.

Tags: idiots

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm not surprised about Palin jumping up to co-sign this situation. Birds of a feather do truly flock together. Given the tenor of her speeches during the stump, she is right there in the moment with Dr. Laura.
Does SP even have a plan? Or is she compelled to exerfcise her texting fingers whenever it gets too quiet out there, and some may have forgotten to remember her? I don't see how this rant helps her. She's cheering on slanted slurs, and most sane folks these days find that a shaky platform to stand on = at least I thought so. Do you agree?
I would call SP an "attention whore." She is now into lining her pockets. Media coverage helps that goal. I don't know if the American people would let her run seriously for office, but if they would, media coverage helps that too. Mainly it is to sell books.




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