— John Lynn
Phoenix Atheism Examiner July 8, 10:25 AM
The video clip has already surfaced on YouTube and is rapidly popping up in blogs all across cyberspace. Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) says that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Not only does she mention that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, twice, but she also stresses that we “start focusing on the technology we have.” How does someone reconcile stressing the use of technology, while dismissing scientific evidence at the same time? Ironically, radiometric dating is one of the methods used to determine the age of the Earth by measuring radioactive decay in things such as uranium – the very material she wants us to mine so we can “get the money from it.”
This same type of thinking is common in many religious communities. It ultimately rests on the concept that the end of the world is coming soon, possibly in our lifetimes, and therefore we can continue to consume natural resources at egregious rates. The reality is that our grandchildren will not have “the same lifestyle we have” if people in governmental positions of authority continue to dangerously ignore scientific evidence in exchange for their personal religious views. This is both irresponsible and frightening.
There is a difference between being religious and willfully ignorant, or worse, religious and just plain dumb.
Does she think she is supposed to get a pass on saying this shit because it is her religious belief? Yes, the earth has survived but only because the technology to destroy hasn't existed until now. How a person like this can put in a decision making position for a community is beyond me.
That's the REAL scary part. An idiot like that being in a decision making position. But then, I was always smarter than my bosses they just got their noses brown and I didn't.
I'm hoping she really didn't mean to say these things, but I guess that might be just a false hope.
By the way, I have met too many people who believe in the Creationism theory of the 6000 year old (give or take a thousand years or so) earth. They are out there!!!
There is no surprises there, because I heard the other day, Palin the quiter is the most popular among the conservatives- that is over 70% of them said,she is the most "qualified" candidate among the known repulicans. The tend to admire the least qualified, the least prepared and dogmatic candidates, case point Regan and Bush. Such people are not seeking the solutoins or answers to be deduced from facts and evidence. but rather they want their distorted opinions be justified by thier perceptions. I don't think she read or understand what is written in the bible. Even if one takes the bible literally, the earth has been around over 7500 years.
The earth is a lot older than us - and will survive for eons after us. We are destroying the earth's ability to sustain our fragile species. It can shrug us off so quickly we would hardly see it coming. But when you read reports of this kind of stupidity you wonder if that might not be a good thing....well, only kidding. But it does highlight that we have a long way to go before we really learn how to use the amazing organ that sits between our ears.
Yea but that just proves, unfortunately, history tends to repeat itself...ugh.
Whatever her deal, let's hope that most of the state senators have some brain matter left and will call her out on this. Politicians are quite scary especially when they want to put their "belief" in as fact.