TBD on Ning

Ready for a new one? May we try something different? I have been tripping of late through my old tunes and find many memories stirred through the process. They are coming out in my haikus. Loose rules here except for the 5-7-5 standard. Write a haiku about your favorite tune, capture favorite lines from your song, write about your favorite songwriter or however you choose to do it. You can tell what the song is if you like or have your friends guess. Let's have some fun here and bring back some of our favorite tunes. Might be a way of honoring our "heroes" of younger years. Below are a couple of haikus from our prior discussions as examples:

I talk to the wind
time to say goodbye my dear
the wind does not hear

(by Scott Williamson in 'Goodbye and Wind')

OR -

c'mon and touch me
can't you see I'm not afraid
c'mon touch me babe

Tags: haiku, lyrics, memories, song

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Kind of a funny video--Frontman of the Moody Blues, Justin Hayward, doing a lot of walking and emoting in his floral finery. Gotta love him. 

darker days approach
winter winds will be colder
because you're not here

forever autumn

leaves fall as they do each year

spring will grow again

lost ones sorely missed

similar to falling leaves

we prey for our spring

take it to limit

bright lights have faded

it's so hard to change

R. I. P.   Glenn Frey

your music touched us deeply

you gave us your all

Eagles may still fly

though one has soared to limit

now just memories

you poured out your heart
songs of our generation
which will never die

go desperado
no more fences left to mend
your rainbow's waiting

always hand in hand
holding on to precious love
waiting out the rain

but now you tell me
we are just different people...
we weren't different then

midnight comes too soon
when nothing breaks the darkness
'cause you've lost the moon

i can't help but pray
though I don't know to whom for
a reason to live

Some good memories from an old friend.

can we still be friends...
a dream lives on forever
even if it's changed

how can it be right
when you're alone every night...
just a sometime love

and i am waiting
long my days and dark my nights...
just a sometime love

he longs to be free
we'll be together, you'll see...
just a sometime love

My parents were both in their 30s during WWII--a young married couple with one child--and my dad was a Naval Officer. The wistful love songs from that era always tug at my heartstrings. This is for My Darling, my eternal love. 

under every moon
we'll always be together
we shan't say goodbye

inside each letter
the postman will bring my heart
we shan't say goodbye

drain the ocean dry
push aside the tall mountains
we shan't say goodbye

memories we've made
will never ever perish
we shan't say goodbye

got you on my mind

feeling kind of sad and low

i can't forget you

long and winding road

i have seen that road before

lead me to your door





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