To fathers past, present, and future.
And for me, to my own father, long gone; to Michael, my long-time love and the father of our son; and to My Beloved Draughn--one very, very special father of daughters...I love you and honor you all.
(Daddy and me)
Happy Father's Day!
Tags: I give you my heart Draughn, I love you Daddy, I miss you Michael
blooming teenage girls
clouds scudding across blue sky
your sweet spring blossoms
father's day again
now rely on memories
gone many years now
how fast they grow up...
no longer your little boy
but always your son
dance to your daddy
giggling chubby-legged windmill
father and son love
nice mover there A
lil hill girl ballerina
his presence prevails
he's with me always
memory of constant joy
my sweet smiling lad
how the years have flown...
chubby legs have given way
to long shapely limbs
fat little fingers
which clutched daddy's thumb tightly
will hold other hands
the eyes of the child
innocent and trusting will
flash with mystery
gales of pink giggles
are transformed to the rich smiles
of a young woman
but one thing remains
inviolable through time...
yours her loving heart
Seeing Emma so grown up--receiving both a high school diploma and an Associates degree in the same week--brought tears to my eyes and made my heart ache with joy and longing. Soon she'll embark on her new life, and Kate right behind her. But no matter how far the girls fly, you will always be their biggest fan, their support, the arms they can run to, their counselor and teacher, the foundation which makes it possible for them to become who they're meant to be--their beloved Dad.
You are the best of fathers, My Dearest Heart. They, and I, will love you forever.
Happy Father's Day.
the tables have turned
your precious babies now care
for their precious dad
a father's day meal
a crocheted heart to remind
you of constant love
the kisses and hugs
of young women shower you
with loving concern...
spring has almost passed
summer's blossoms are blooming
right before your eyes
wistful you release
the last remnants of childhood
and your heart blooms too
Happy Father's Day, Beloved.
is it true momma?
papa was a rolling stone
he left us alone
at sea all my life
you pled with me in my dreams
to guide you back home
you're so far away
please come home for just one day
daddy i love you
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