TBD on Ning

Is everyone ready for the weekend?  Do you have plans for things to do?  I have Saturday and part of Sunday without the baby to watch.  I'm hoping to hang out with friends and have some laughs and maybe some good food.

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I don't feel good enough to go out to buy any.  I'm not breathing well enough, and I am really worn out.  I don't want to go driving down into all that crazy Northern Virginia traffic to find a liquor store. 

I want my daddy.  :-)

Karin, it sounds like you need a doctor.  That's from my very experienced bronchitis and asthmas fighting life.  Sometimes an antibiotic gets rid of it in a few short days.  Hope you feel better before the trip. 

nice,real nice

it gets pretty crazy round these parts.

i put the wrong picture,but if i deleted it,it would leave an empty space.

i was gonna tell you that it was a balloon shaped like a plane,but i'm not very good at BS.

glad you liked it.




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