TBD on Ning

I might have said this before ( in a different life and website) but it still irks me.  The state I am residing in has more disabled spaces than regular spaces.  (almost)  Now I know the disabled need close up parking, but are there really that many people up here that are disabled???  I think not....       ok, I am done.

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My insurance is paying for now, then they said they would fight the other guys insurance (he had a rental car) for it, if they win I will get my deductible $200 back.

the other guys insurance just called and said they are accepting responsibility, so when I pick up my car next week I don't even have to pay the deductible. That is good news.

Good news, so glad it worked out for you!!

I was really expecting it to be worse.My insurance shouldn't go up or anything.

Sometimes the good guys win.  Sounds like you did.  That's great news.




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