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I like to rent movies online (mostly from iTunes) and since they're only a few bucks, I'm not real picky about which ones I rent. However, sometimes I feel like even a few bucks is too much to pay for some of the crap I rent!

I'm pretty careful when selecting a movie, I'll read the reviews that are listed with the movie description and will always watch the trailer. Then, if it interests me, I'll rent it.

Last night I rented "Alex Cross" -- what an absolute piece of garbage! Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad bad bad. Total waste of my time.

Does this ever happen to you? What do you do? Have you ever stopped watching a bad movie, or are you like me and watch the whole thing thinking it'll get better?

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Can't remember the last time I rented a movie. When the Sunday paper comes, the first thing I do is check out the movies on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) for the week. Seeing a favorite actor or actress starring in it or an interesting title will lead me to read a description of it. Sometimes I'll see an old favorite like the other week when I saw The TIme Machine again. If I am watching something that seems to be a dud, I force myself to watch it for 30 minutes or so. Usually, something will intrigue me by then, if not I'll conclude it ain't gettin' any better. I've seen some really enjoyable flicks on that station. Sure they're old, but they are classics.

wanna see a really bad movie,it's called "the Adventures of Ford Fairlane"


When DVDs came out, I started buying movies every week. That went on for some time, now I have about 500 DVDs, some of which I've never seen. If I want to watch a "classic," I probably own it! LOL I do pop in a DVD every so often, especially when it's a mindless action movie that I've seen before and can be easily entertained by watching it again. It's not surprising that a very small number of the DVDs get "repeat" watchings. I have very poor taste in movies -- not big on the "deep" ones, just like to be kept awake for a couple hours! That's what I thought "Alex Cross" was going to do for me, and in a sense, it did, but not in an enjoyable way.

My wife and I used to love comedies -- now there's a genre that's full of crap! Of course, one man's crap is another man's favorite movie. Comedy is so subjective. I actually really enjoyed "Mall Cop!" That should tell you something about my lack of taste!

Another genre that my wife enjoyed, but I didn't so much, is "horror." She could watch scary movies every weekend, but I found them to be either too grotesque or just plain stupid -- although, I'm easily frightened and can have nightmares for weeks!

I like "action" movies - my wife called them "shoot 'em, kill 'em" movies and didn't like them so much! Can't wait for the new "Die Hard" movie to be available for rental. Makes no difference to me what the critics say, I'm sure I'll love it!

I can't wait to see the new Die Hard!! 

I loved "The Expendables"....both of them. And "Red". I think I was supposed to be a guy, cuz I'd much rather watch an action movie than a chick flick. "Sleepless in Seattle" made me want to barf!! 

I loved "The Bourne Legacy".....and the Seal movie....I forget what it's called.  You know...the one that had real Seals in it?  I also like the Mission Impossible movies. I just watched MI 3 today. 

I won't sit longer than about 30 minutes with a bad movie.  Then I reach my limit. My time is too valuable to waste it watching some dribble.  The only movie I got up and walked out of in a theater was "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas".  I figured....with Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, and Dom Deloise, it would be mildly amusing.  It stunk!  It wasn't the actors' fault; the dialogue was lousy!!  I made it about halfway through....to give it the benefit of the doubt.....and I left.

Movies today are good far between in the theaters and I hate to  go and pay even $5 to go to our neighborhood theater anyway.  Too much blood and fighting for my taste. I loved to watch the good westerns and musicals of the past and even a good drama or war movie but now like I said--spaced far apart to get  a good one.

They are out there, though.  I just saw "Lincoln" and it was excellent.

And "The King's Speech" was fabulous. 

right Karen. Now those are movies. and of course in the old ones you can still find real good ones too.  I loved the Kings Speech. And Lincoln was great too.

my all-time favorite movie:

Funny that you should mention the Alex Cross movie, because when it came out I was thinking about going to see it b/c I've read several of the Alex Cross stories by James Patterson and had enjoyed them.  But like you I checked out the trailer only to find out that there seemed to be excessive violence in particular against women so I passed.

I get all my movies from the library.  I check online sometimes googling "best movies of . . ." , or "award winning documentaries" etc. and then go to my libraries webpage, check availability and put a hold on the ones I choose.  My library sends me an email when my selection has been put on the hold shelf, which is really convenient.  No strolling up and down the aisles looking at the hundreds of selections!  Additionally, if I discover the movie is not to my liking I just turn it off and go to the next one! No cost involved whatsoever!

I havne't seen a movie in a long time, that I think I would like,except Road Trip, because a few years ago my son and I took a road trip and it was great to spend the time with him. I just had my cable taken out, and what I have now has a few old movie channels and I find I am enjoying them at least they have some subtance to them. Can stream movies thru my NOOK, but haven't found anything interesting enough to try it out.

I agree.....not too many good movies out theses days in my opinion. Give me a classic movie any day! I DO want to see the LINCOLN  movie. I go to the library and choose from hundreds of movies. If its starts bad, i pull iout and pop in another...

For me....hope springs eternal and I end up watching the whole thing.  I never pay any attention to the critics tho cause I've found that what they think is great turns out to be a big disappointment to me.  Like "The Artist"....it won all these awards but I ended up falling asleep in the middle of it cause I was so bored with it.  I DO like movies tho....a lot, but don't give me something I can figure out ahead of time.  Give me something that's going to surprise me or make me feel something.  One of my favs is "The Green Mile".  That movie puts you thru a wide range of emotions.  Then my VERY favorite movie of all times is "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain" with Susan Hayward.  It's one of those old movies that's romantic, funny and extremely sad too.  I challenge anyone to watch it and now swoon, laugh and cry your eyes out.  Love it.




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