TBD on Ning

...so angry that you feel it in the pit of your stomach?

Two things do it for me:  First:  People wasting their lives to drugs is one.  I want to take their heads and put them through the wall. I Have a family full.  It really is something in the genes.


Second, the war in Iraq.  Ten years later and I still can't even think about it without going berserk--how Bush/Cheney led us exactly where they wanted us to go, how they lied about what was going on , how they ignored the inspectors, how they completely changed the purpose of the war because they didn't want to look stupid when they didn't find WMD, and how they thought they could get away with it because they thought the American people were stupid.  AAGGHH!!!!

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I hear you, boy the stupidity is rampant isn't it. This is the type of thing that makes me frustrated and annoyed but not really really angry. It would have to be personal to make me really really angry.

Sober Man Gets DUI For ‘Looking Drunk’

Posted: June 10, 2013

drunk driving

A sober man got a DUI this week because he “looked drunk.”

According to the Daily Mail, Jessie Thornton, 64, was pulled over this weekend in Surprise, Arizona for drunk driving. But Thornton wasn’t drunk. He took a breathalyzer test and registered a 0.000 blood alcohol level. Still, officers arrested the sober man for a DUI because they just knew that he was drunk.

Thornton said: “’An officer walked up and he said ‘I can tell you’re driving DUI by looking in your eyes.’ I take my glasses off and he says, ‘You’ve got bloodshot eyes.’ I do the breathalyzer and it comes back zero, zero, zero.”

The 64-year-old man was then taken to the police station where he was examined by a DRE, drug recognition expert.

Thornton told ABC News: “After he did all the tests, he says, ‘I would never have arrested you, you show no signs of impairment.’ ”

Thornton wasn’t drinking that night but he still suffered the consequences of a DUI. His car was impounded and the Arizona MVD suspended his license and ordered that he take a drinking and driving class.

Thornton is now filing a claim against the city of Surprise for $50,000. The 64-year-old man said that the real reason why he was pulled over is that he was “driving while black.”


64-year old Jessie Thornton was pulled over in Surprise, Arizona over the weekend after he crossed the white line. After being told his eyes were red, Thornton said it could have been because he’d just been swimming in a chlorinated pool. The officer wasn’t buying it.

“He (the officer) goes, ‘Well we’re going to do a sobriety test.’ I said, ‘OK, but I got bad knees and a bad hip with surgery in two days,” Thornton said.

Despite his assurances that a field sobriety test would be painful for him, Thornton says officers made him comply and then handcuffed him on the curb before shoving him into their car to have a Breathalyzer test done at the station. Incredibly, after blowing all zeroes, the attending officer told him he shouldn’t have been arrested on a DUI charge.

“I couldn’t even sit on the ground like that and they knew it and I was like laying on the ground, then they put me in the back of an SUV and when I asked the officer to move her seat up ’cause my hip hurt she told me to stop whining,” said Thornton. It was all for suspicion of DUI, according to the officers, but Thornton says there was another reason. “It was driving while black.”

Thornton says his wife is a nurse who works a hectic overnight schedule, so he changed his own schedule to match hers. The results have been rather irritating.

“I’ve been stopped 10 times in Surprise and given four tickets, it’s amazing,” said Thornton.


now without findin out everything there is to this from what i've read so far it looks like this guy might have a case .. whats the police's side to this story ?? 

Maybe this is a pseudo anger or pre anger stage but I think I could write a book of Check Out stories. Yesterday I went into the store and bought one item, a case of soda. The Self-Checkouts were full and I found a lane with only one person in front of me and another filled in behind me. She did not have her own grocery bags and tells the check out girl to put cat food or something in a separate bag and finally gets all the items scanned. Meanwhile a baby is creeching at high decibels in the cart while two other children are vying for attention. Then she begins to dig in her purse and the woman discovers she does not have her debit card so will pay with credit card. Then says she must have taken credit card out and does not have it.  She counts (slowly) her change and cash, then gives items back to the clerk to deduct. First a big toy ball and then some other toys, then the cat food, then a few groceries. And then she has enough to pay for what is left. Behold she discovers she has enough cash left to pay for the toy ball so it gets checked out again. I began to think she was a con artist trying to confuse the check out person, grab the cash and run. She then requested they hold her items she could not pay for so she could come back later.  I began to think about all those homocide detective shows where the profilers talk about someone's trigger point and how sometimes a non descript, quiet, nearly invisible person goes berserk and makes a big mess. And later someone says, "I just can't understand how anyone could do that, do you?"  Yes, there are some days when I can.

did ya ever get those people in front of you with about only 10 items,and you think you got it made,then,they tell the checker to put some items on one reciept and others on another reciept? AHHHHH,where's my baseball bat?

Actually the girl in my "complaint" did that also. I think the cat food.  My favorit is one of the 10 items or less Express Lane/Cash only stories but I like to repress some things to see how much I can stand.

Abuse of any person or animals . Don't ever let me run across it !!!

I'm really careful to drink lots of water for at least an  hour after i have had a drink or two but sometimes have this fear I will get pulled over for SOMETHING (speeding probably....LOL) then told to "walk the line". I would PROBABLY fail it because  I have arthritis in my toes and weak ankles and they are stiff for a few minutes after I stand and I never walk straight RIGHT AWAY.




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