i'll be honest .. i absolutely hated it .. but every now and then a disco song would get me tappin my toe and i'd be thinkin eeeeeeeee.. what am i doin this is disco .. i hate disco .. but there i was anyway groovin just the same .. here's a tune or two i liked .. in spite of myself
I Will Survive was my theme song when I was ending my first marriage and striking out on my own with four kids.
I hated disco, lucky for me that time was when I was raising my son and not going out to the bars to dance, after I was divorced disco was over thank the heavens. I was pre disco and after disco.
I still don't like the dances that you have to get lessons for. I'm more of a wild boogie thang.
Callie, I am with you. I enjoy the Disco era. I loved to dance. When I went away to college I met some guys on my floor that also liked to dance. Well it was a matched made in heaven, sort of. We'd clear the furniture out of the way in the lounge area and turn up the tunes and turn it into a dance floor. Had great fun. Walter and I got to be pretty good. I brought Walter to Boston with me once to visit my sister. There was a new nightclub called Boston-Boston that was pure disco, black walls, while leather couches and seating, hot pink accents, and lots of neon, right out of Saturday Night Fever. We are talking about something around 1977 or 1978. Walter and I hit the dance floor with our movers and at one point a little circle cleared around us as we "strutted our stuff" LOL. It is great memory for me. Frenchy, I know the music wasn't great, but it did get your toes tapping and it got boys and girls dancing together again. Walter turned out to be gay, but I will always have the memory of that time on the Dance floor.
seeee....I just knew we had some other stuff in common....LOL...of course we loved disco...it was sexy it made us feel good and no need to think about it....tacky tacky tacky....but way fun!!
Where I lived...there were disco balls and lit up floors but nothing like saturday night fever.....polyester...platform shoes...staying alive...LOL!
funny...we were talking last night about the powder blue leisure suit...and how Lawrence Welk and company seem to have cornered the market on them...maybe thats a good thing...he may have ended the era...LOL!
oh man don't get me started on lawrence welk .. my mom used to watch that all the time when i was a kid like a religion .and she so wanted me to like him too . i remember once she sat me down and said i have to tell you somethin .. you shouldn't hate lawrence welk so much because ... he's your real father .. and i just sat there .. all i could say was are you kiddin me ?? i hate that guy .. i hate that guy .. and just the thought of him havin sex with my mom .. all i could see was anna a one anna two get down you funky bitch you .. finally she couldn't keep a straight face anymore after i did that lawrence welk impression in that accent so she said ok i was just pullin your leg .. yeah good one ma .. man don't be tellin me lawrence welk is my dad .. it will ruin my image ..
ooooo that's right...I forgot you were almost the love child of Lawrence Welk...do you have one a them blue leisure suits?
nope never subscribed to that way of atire.. t shirt and jeans .. even if i did like disco they woulda threw me outta one of them places for not dressin like they did ..
Thing was it was just dance music...and dance styles need music...here's a little blast from the past...some past dance crazes...lots of stupid music inspired a lot of dance crazes...
I never really liked disco, but I love dancing, so when it was disco, I danced disco. I liked some song like " Woman, take me in your arms and rock me baby..."
I almost miscarried my son because of Saturday Night Fever. I was in my first trimester, went to see the movie, bought the 8 track, danced and danced and started to bleed. They fixed me up and he was born at the normal time.
But, Bayridge, Brooklyn, where Cali's boyfriend came from---what a wonderful place it is. I went to a wake there, walked all around, saw so many people congregating and talking it up and being neighborly. There are great restaurants, and its picturesque because it's near the Verazzano Bridge.
As to Lawrence Welk, he comes on Sunday late afternoon and my mother watched him a lot. When my mother was in the hospital for the last time and very in and out, for some reason, a Soul Train re-run was on TV and she was watching it. The nurse came in and asked her if she were enjoying the music. And my mother said, "Yes. It's Lawrence Welk! He's always good."
Funny, I have this song open in another tab and I'm sitting here dancing to it, lol. I musta liked disco! Who knew?
my mom and dad both came from bayridge .. and my aunt and uncle lived there till they died .. still have one cousin who will probably never leave .. and 2 that finally gave in and moved to jersey .. one in perth amboy and the other in bricktown .. so they could take the outer bridge crossin from staten island to jersey.. i grew up at the foot of the goethals bridge and could ride my bike over it and be in new york city in literaly 10 minutes if i took my time ..( staten island is technicly nyc ) i remember when i was 17 i used to go to the bars and drink cause ny was 18 and jersey was 21..kinda funny to cause when i was 17 i looked like i was 15 and they'd still serve me .. i even went when i was 15 and 16 and they'd serve me then too .. of course i'm not talkin about high class joints or anything .. pretty low down dives .. one time in school it got around somehow that i was doin that and somebody told one of my teachers so he asked me in class in front of everybody tryin to make some kinda example outta me .. tellin me how dangerous it was to drink and drive and i know his heart was in the right place but me bein the smartass that i was told him not to worry i'd be ok but he kept insistin that i not drink and drive so i told him don't worry i won't have an accident so he pounced on that thinkin he had me .. how do you know ?/ how do you know ?? so i told him .. cause i take the fucken bus thats how .. which of course made the whole class erupt with laughter and had him just shakin his head .. i remember bay ridge before they built the verazano bridge .. and when they finally did they had to knock down a bunch of buildings for the road leadin up to it and my aunts house was one of the buildins that was spared but truth be told it came so close to their windows you could almost high 5 the drivers as they wizzed by .. i remember takin the ferry when i was little cause there was no bridge .. the ferry took a lot longer but .. it was so much more fun .. yeah i remember bay ridge too .. ain't been there in years tho .. i'm sure its changed some .. but then doesn't everyplace ?? that bay ridge from saturday nite fever ain't the same anymore either .. so is it true you can't go home again ??
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