TBD on Ning

so i'm still wonderin , what do you think happened to flight 370 ??

i'll say what i thought from the start , or at least from the point when the stories kept changin and they couldn't find a trace of the plane anywhere they thought it shoulda been .. my first thought was , how far can a 777 fly on a tankfull of fuel ?? how much fuel did flight 370 have ?? i know a lot of the talk is about a hijackin and there are some clues to support that but why hijack a jet and then just crash it into the ocean ?? especially a jet full of chinese people ?? we're all aware of the hatred the islamist jihadists have for the usa and western europe .. they don't really need an excuse to do whatever they can to disrupt our lives in any way possible .. but the chinese ?? why ?? that part don't seem to fit unless i'm missin a piece of the terrorism puzzle somewhere .. terrorism 101 or somethin .. but it seems that their transponders were indeed shutoff .. and shutoff by someone who knew more than the average bear about how they work .. one of the transponders they had to have a special tool to lift up the floor after removin the rug and unscrewin the floor to shut it off .. so i'd think they had to have somebody watchin the passengers and crew while someone else either flew the plane or kept a gun on the pilot .. in either case not a one man job ..2 possibly 3 or more people ... the word is the malaysian pilots know somethin is up and don't wanna fly till they figure out what happened .. from what i could gather this plane could have gone over 5,000 miles or over 9,000 miles .. thats almost halfway around the world .. and if they are indeed islamist terrorists i'm sure they could have landed in pakistan , or afganistan , or yemen , or somalia .. that might fit the 5 to 9 thousand mile range .. i might have to get out my national geographic map tho just to be sure .. i guess the bigger question would be what they hope to gain other than a boing 777 .. would china be willin to negotiate with the terroists ?? i'm not so sure .. they have over a billion chinese as it is so a few more or less probably won't matter to the powers that be all that much . but to have it rubbed in their face in front of the whole world ?? whoa buddy .. that might be a different story all together and that could make things really ugly ..up till now the chinese didn't care about islamist terrorists cause it wasn't happenen to them .. this would change that .. at this point tho i really don't know just like everyone else . but to hijack the plane and then just ditch it in the ocean killin everybody ?? to what end ?? nahh .. i'm thinkin that jet went to somalia or someplace like that .. for all we know they're negotiatin for them passengers as i'm typin this and they already know it never crashed .. what do you guys think ?/ any theories ? 

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There is a man whose political blogs I read that posted a smidgen of info based on his background...you might find it interesting. Course it is sort of too reasonable so maybe not that interesting.


I haven't seen all that much about it...is this stuff you just made up or is there some basis for a theory? I'm not much a of a speculator..

i'm just speculatin from what they're sayin so far .. this stone kettle guy seems to think the plane is in the drink scattered like confetti .. and he may be right .. but what they were sayin this mornin on cbs was that its time to start treatin this as a criminal investigation .. which brings it a bit closer to what i'm thinkin .. and they put up a big circle of how far the jet could possibly go based on the fuel and range and it pretty much matches up with the places i thought and mentioned .. so if it was hijacked then it is possible that it made it to pakistan or somalia .. or there coulda been a struggle for control because the plane was at 38 thousand feet then plummeted to 23 thousand feet which would indicate a struggle or just an inexperienced pilot takin over the controls .. could be if thats the case they did end up in the drink ..but we may never know if thats the case other than the plane went down someplace it wasn't supposed to be for some reason they can't confirm or deny  due to lack of evidence .. but there's a lotta hinky stuff goin on with this plane no matter how you look at it ..a lotta hinky stuff ..  

I am sure they checked all the official places by satelites, etc. that could accomodate landing a jet that size and are looking at natural areas that might accomodate it. And if one was going to blow it up, why bother with shutting things down, or if directing it into something, why did it not happen? Usually they count on a debris trail of one mile for each 1000 feet of elevation if a plane disintegrates so for example if it happened at 30,000 ft it would be 30 miles long.  Maybe it is a J.D. Cooper type of event and is not a big terrorist scheme at all. And no one taking credit is not in accord with terrorists.  Lots of mystery and certain to be a lot of books and movies in the future.

yeah i'm doubtin it landed at any place that was even  close to official .. i think if this was hijacked these guys thought this whole thing out and had a spot they could land the plane and then hide it real quick .. maybe even hide it in plain sight .. and what they were sayin a little bit later was they now know the plane was at 45 thousand feet and plummeted to 20 thousand feet .. and 45 thou is above where that plane is supposed to be able to fly which again could indicate a struggle goin on .. or an inexperienced pilot tryin to fly a plane he really wasn't checked out on .. which could mean he did lose control and dump it in the drink .. or did all that crazy shit to make us believe he dumped it in the drink to throw us off the trail .. i'm still not sure what the reason for all this is other than to steal a 777 .. which could be worth a tidy sum .. the hell with the people they'll pay more to get the jet back .. whats a boing 777 goin for now ?? unless there was somethin in the cargo hold that nobody's talkin about that was worth a shitload more .. but if they're just gonna dump it in the ocean why bother to shut off all the transponders .. it only would take em 5 minutes at most to ditch the thing .. nahh .. theres more to this than we know yet ..   

A couple of things:

First, I listened to a retired commercial pilot last night who works with the NTSB, and he said it was possible for someone with an oxygen mask to have depressurized the passenger compartment....which would have disposed of the problem of panicky problemsome passengers.  That, he suggested, was one reason to take the plane to 45,000 feet.  He didn't seem to believe the passengers figured into this at all. They were just collateral damage.

Second, my son is an aviator.  He few EA6-B Prowlers over Northern and Southern Iraq, and into the barrage of Baghdad.  So he knows a lot about flying a plane.  He tends to agree with the man in the blog; it's a big ocean out there, and the plane could have disintegrated upon impact.....leaving few pieces big enough to spot. 

The Malaysian authorities announcing the decision to treat it as a criminal investigation, and the fact that they are delving into the pilots' lives......that has me a tad uneasy. 

I don't think ransoming the plane is worth all this.  Nor is killing a mere 239 inconsequential people.  And I don't believe China is all that involved....I mean, as an intended victim.  If.....and this is a big IF......the plane was spirited off to an unknown airstrip, and hidden away......my concern is what they need a plane that size for.  (??)  If two smaller jet airliners without explosives could bring down the World Trade Center towers (both of them!) .......I wonder what damage a plane this large could do if it were loaded with explosives?  Hmmmm. 

But.....French.....you asked me for my theory.  I do have one.  I think it crash-landed on the island that the survivors of "Lost" crashed on.  They're probably battling polar bears and "Smoke Monsters" by now.  ;-)

funny theory karin .. i laughed out loud cause i didn't see that commin .. you were so serious and then wham you hit me with that .. funny .. 

and yeah chief we'll know when they know .. that is if they wanna tell us .. till then all we can do is speculate from the little tid bits they're throwin us .. its quite possible the jet went down in the ocean like they are sayin .. but its also quite possible that with a range of 7 to 9 thousand miles and all the transponders shut off and nobody really knowin anything till hours later, that this plane could have landed someplace and been hidden already .. the motive for it all still eludes me but i'm sure there is one .. i guess we'll find out sooner or later .. right after they tell us who was on the grassy knoll .. 

Has anyone said anything about a major electrical failure that would take out the communication and cause the funky movements..that has actually happened before.

And what about fuel...it can't go all those thousand of miles without it?

If CNN doesn't stop reporting on this plane 24/7, they will soon disappear.  There is other news, isn't there?  All I hear is speculation.  I can make my own speculations--don't need to hear Wolf Blitzer say there is BREAKING NEWS, then keep reminding me it's all speculation.  Remember when news was news?  Grrrrrrrrrr.

you mean when there were journalists who reported facts? verifiable facts backed up by several sources and/or evidence? before wardrobe malfunctions were considered news to be reported by the talking heads?

Yes, Prob! Remember those guys?

and they could read and write...and they used the right word in the right context...just like they knew what they were doing. and they actually understood what they reported on because they researched it and interviewed credible, knowledgeable people  to gather facts....maybe it's the hairspray that is doing it, it could be causing brain damage amongst the new breed of reporters...or maybe they are just fucking stupid

The whole country is comfortable with stupid now.  The market calls for what the stations dish out. Don't you remember years of Natalie Holloway stuff? And Nancy Grace--whatever the heck she does.  And they took Anderson Cooper off to put documentaries on on CNN. And then there are The Five. Ugh!

I actually tune in to FOX, the Brett Baer report, because he at least brings in news other than this lost airplane.  I watch until the panel of Democrat haters comes on at the end.

Sarah Palin is starting her own Network--Rogue TV--no fooling!  I just read that before. As someone famous once said:  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!




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