TBD on Ning

I can't claim to be very good about keeping resolutions.  Especially those made at New Years.  But it does seem like an opportune time to at least consider what changes you might want to make in the new year.  One thing I am going to try to do a little differently this year as far as my "resolutions" are concerned is make a plan on how I intend to achieve them.  Not just say - loose weight and get healthy, but prepare for how and what I will need to achieve that goal.  So, for example, I need to clear out the fridge of foods that will not support my efforts.  I need to go grocery shopping and stock up on healthy, lower calorie items that I will eat and that are convenient for me both at home and at work.  I need to set up an area if the house for "exercise" I have a step, a stationary bike, some light hand weights, etc., all of which will need to be gathered together in one area to support my "work outs".  And then I need to do it.... easier said than done, but you gotta keep trying right?  So what about you all?  Any resolutions and plans on how to make it/them happen this year? 

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I want to move my life more forward this year by doing good works.  I have it in my head, but other than making donations, etc., I am not achieving much.  I want to know that I have done things to make people's lives better--like maybe helping kids who can't afford SAT tutors.  I have to check into it more. I have been lazy and selfish, for sure, enjoying my retirement.  It's time to give back a little. But I don't know if I will actually do it.  It's all up to me.

T2, I have no idea how to make these things happen other than to just do them.  Again, I give my kids credit for giving up drugs.  I can't  commit to anything anymore.

Well I could hope to have sex one more time since 1983 . But that won't happen became little George quit growing . He's been hiding for so long . Even a mirror won't find him .

I could say I will walk the coming year but unless a Doctor would operate on my knee , that want happen

I guess best solution would be just be thankful I'm alive .

Main gold is getting Hoveround so I can get out side a lot more .

Other that that I'm just screwed !

I do wish all of you a great New Year .......

I hope, with all my heart, you get that hoveround!

My goal is to like crest stated, I want to do more for those that need it.  Other than that I am getting my face fixed February 9th (from the wreck) and feel good about myself again.  Also thinking hard on retiring but will probably wait until I'm 65 to receive medicare. I'm investing as much as I can but with all the medical bills pouring in it is a bit of a struggle at the moment.

My goal is to not kill any more wives.

I've purchased a book entitled 'How to Drive Your Spouse to Suicide' ... if the book is good I might consider throwing my what-ja-ma-gigger into the ring again.

That would be funny except that it actually  happened  to my girl friend 3 yrs ago:(

That's funny, I read the one on how to get you spouse to commit suicide.  That could get messy if they screwed up.

Not really into the resolutions,but setting goals can be a good thing to kind of focus on your future and the idea of positive change...can't remember that I ever actually resolved any life issues with a resolution ....they are kind of a tradition I guess.
New Years has always been kind of anticlimactic for me...kind of a feeling of relief that the holiday season is over.
A couple of traditions in our family at New Years....main meal is black eyed peas with a ham hock for seasoning, rice,cold slaw, and corn bread, little chopped onion to sprinkle on the beans...supposed to eat a humble meal on the first day of the year so the rest of the year will be better.
Not supposed to do any laundry on the first day of the year...you'll wash away one of your family if you do...bad luck sort of I guess.
Happy New Year ya'll...health and happiness for everyone.

Yikes.  I'm glad I didn't do any laundry. That would have been a big guilt!

Guess i've wash away my family , now i learned why ....

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Due to a flurry of New Year's resolutions, the Road to Hell is currently closed for repaving. Please take an alternate route.

Move the tread mill out doors , might help ....




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