TBD on Ning

here's another song i wrote .. this one's from 1974 .. and again its just a demo with me doin all the instruments .. on this one i tried to get more tracks by mixin 3 tracks down to one and then learned a valuable lesson .. once you mix em all together if you don't mix em right you really can't fix em again .. you're pretty much married to em that way .. and i mixed the bass in .. big mistake .. so if i raise the bass i raise everything else too .. same if i lower it .. ya just can't win .. anyway listen and see whatcha think .. 


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I love it . so smooth , enjoyable to listen to . 100% enjoyable ....

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Love your music, Frenchy.  You're very, very talented.  I'd love to hear some recent works!

well at the moment i don't have any of the recent songs i wrote on cd as of yet .. i have a bunch of em tho .. and with the recordin process they have now if i ever get the hang of it it just might be easier and sound a lot better too .. 4 tracks is a real bitch to work with especially if you're doin it all yourself. 8 tracks would be so much better and 16 would be even better still .. what you've heard so far is a couple of songs that i had on a cassette that i had lyin around and just found that i recently bumped over to cd ..sooner or later i'll get around to it .. i always think that if i always have somethin i need to do then i cant  die in the middle of it but once i do then i could go at any minute .. lol.. of course thats not true but it makes me feel better about my procrastinatin ..at this point i'm so far behind i can never die .. anyway i am gonna be workin on it soon .. i have a couple more older songs recorded that i'll put up first tho and maybe by then i'll get my ass workin on some of the others .. i do appreciate your listenin and your comments tho ..

on a side note i don't know how this happened but i have 2 of this post up .. not sure how i did that .. it shows em both bein entered at the same time so its a mystery to me . i didn't notice it when it happened .. its like it just magicly appeared or somethin .. now i have to learn how to remove a post .. somethin i never did before .. cause we don't need two of these .. one is enough .. wish me luck ..   

Keep 'em comin, old, new, I think we'll enjoy them all!

I really am thrilled that you have decided to share some of your music with us...makes me smile listening to these songs...I'm with Mick...keep em comin.

Now I'm gonna do what kids do.  Frenchy gave us a finger and I am now asking for an arm.  Make a video so we can see you sing!

Love that idea, Crest!!

a video ? ??  a video ?? eeeeeeee... i dunno .. ya know on my roku i can get all kinds of stuff and one of the things i got was alec baldwins radio show called here's the thing .. and he does this one interview with billy joel and both of them bein long island boys it came off rather well .. and one of the things billy said was he hated makin music video's when mtv came out .. absolutely hated it .. and i got it right away .. what he said was he thought the music should stand or fall on its own merits and not on weather he was wearin the lastest fashion or how good he looked or anything other than the music itself .. and i can't agree more .. you look at justin beiber and britney spears . both of em have the smarts of a smart rock maybe .. and are about as deep as a bird bath .. but of course a lot of that is because they're still young .. they'll gain experience as they go along but the major thing that made them stars was they looked good . i still remember when i was offered a record contract in 1970 and i walked away .. they wanted me because they thought they could make me a teeny bopper .. the next partrige family or somethin like that .. and when i showed em i had a mind of my own they didn't like it . well at this stage of the game i suppose for my age i don't look too bad .. but i looked better .. and i'd hate anything i did to be judged on how i looked .. good or bad .. so i kinda shy away from that .. at least thats how i feel right now .. maybe i'll change my mind .. i dunno .. i really do love music .. fame ?? not so much .. its like some kinda mexican standoff or somethin .. 

It's not so much how YOU look as how you look playing.  When I go to see my friends Mike Shackleford and Steve Shanholtzer play, I put almost as much concentration into watching Steve play his guitar as I do to listening.  It's like magic.  A lot of times I'll close my eyes listening to music, but when I do that while Steve is playing, I feel as though I'm missing out on half of the magic.  I've got a feeling it would be the same with your music from listening to it. 

well i dunno micky .. sometimes i like to record in the nude so that might not go over so good .. 

ok i'm kiddin .. but sometimes for me it almost feels like it .. 




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