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Finally, The Men's Lingerie Market Keeps Pace With The Women's


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I'm sorry but thats just GROSS!! I practically throw up at the sight of a SPEEDO! Besides, it doesnt take a lot for a man to be sexy...jeans and a tshirt are pretty good though my man looks AWESOME in purple!!

I guess with the new generation of same sex marriage there is where it would be used . When did plain Boxers and Brief's go outta style ?

Ummm, no, I don't think so.  If I came home and saw that...well All his clothes would be in a suitcase and out the front door with him.

OMG!  Are we not going to be satisfied before we've completely erased the line between masculine and feminine?  I know women are struggling to get men in touch with their "feminine side" (which I find nauseating), and that we are in the business of "wussifying" our young men so that they aren't too macho (God forbid!).....but now we want them in lingerie??  Especially feminine lingerie?  You couldn't even design something sexy that looks just a teeny bit masculine?  I am so glad I'm not a young woman today.....trying to find a good man out there.  I may be old school, but I want my men to be men.....with all that entails.  I don't want to make love to a guy who thinks like a girl and looks like he's wearing my underwear.  Ewwwww!!

There are several definitions of a real man on this urban dictionary website but I don't think any mention a man wearing lingerie or dressing in purple (sorry Kim, although I did see a website selling purple man clothes).  Look at Craig's list and Women are always looking for "A Real Man".
"Real Man - A true man can best be described as rugged and that does not have any fears. A man has a good deal amount of knowledge about tools, cars, the outodoors, knows how to act around women by being a gentlemen, but is not always serious and can have fun with them. Men financially provide for others and themselves and are overall responsible. Men are clean, well groomed, and can have a very short beard to portray that image of ruggedness." More on the real man definition at:

"Real Man - A true man can best be described as rugged and that does not have any fears.

i think another term for that is 'stupid'....a man without any fears is a man without good sense...

A real man knows fear...... But acts, anyway. Ask any soldier or police officer.

exactly...and those police officers and soldiers, both men AND women, mitigate risk and are VERY aware of what those risks are.... a man without any fear can also be described as dead...or will be shortly...

I like Natural pink on a woman .

Or if not lingerie, how about a kilt?  http://bodyodd.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/22/17861729-researcher-men...


"Men wearing a kilt experience a strong sense of freedom and masculinity," says a researcher. Here Tim Propst, of Lincoln County, N.C., throws a hammer during the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in Linville, N.C. in July 2012

I don't know about all that research stuff.....but I know I think men who know how to wear kilts well are sexy as hell.  I dropped my friend off at the chapel at the Marine Corps Museum the other day for her son's wedding.  There were two bagpipe-playing, kilt-wearing men standing in front of the church.  I wanted so badly to take their picture, but I was too chicken to ask if I could.  They sure cut a mean figure in those kilts, though!  ;-)

I would wear a Kilt if i could find one big enough to fit , freedom yes ....




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