TBD on Ning

I am a caregiver for the elderly and disabled. I work through an agency and we are sent out to people's homes. As a 47 year old, MOST of my fellow caregivers are much younger, in their 20's. I mean...were we this "stupid" at that age? I have MANY stories but my recent one takes the cake!!  THIS WEEK, I moved into an elderly couple's home to take place of their "live in" caregiver (only till Wednesday). Well, on Sunday, I got a replacement so I could attend a family celebration a couple hours away. I had dinner planned, things were clean, etc. THIS morning, I thought....oh how nice, the "neatly" FOLDED  laundry has been put away. I didnt have time and figured I would do it "LATER". TONIGHT, I discovered, it had been thrown BACK in the washer and rewashed!! What clued this girl in that these clothes were NOT already WASHED? HELLO? NOT only that but TYPICALLY if you see a VERY FULL dishwasher,  you take the dishes OUT right? Well, I opened it and saw it hadnt been unloaded yet (yes they had 12 hours but THATS OK...I can do it!) so I proceeded to UNLOAD it to find my hand running across a greasy, dirty dish...THEn...ANother one and another....HALF were clean and WELL...she just put the DINNER dishes in  there TOO!! Well...she DID clean the counters off THIS time so I give her THAT!!  I had to laugh....the old lady (without even KNOWING about the laundry or the dishes) said, "Next time you or Dennis (their regular live in caregiver) leave for the night, you might have to give better instructions to the girls. They walk around here like DUH like they have NO IDEA what they're here for!"

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Replies to This Discussion

just shows ta go ya .. you can't fix stupid .. 

The new Gen has had nearly everything given to them so yes they are clueless. I am a pre-school teacher where self sufficiency should start. These kids can't even take care of everyday needs..mommy,sitters etc do it all for them. They have no coping or social skills at all..

Not sure about this, the young people I know are bright and industrious at least most of them. I know one who's spoiled and expects instant gratification he's going to get a wake up call some day a big life smack down.




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