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Angelina Jolie Had Both Breast Removed because of 87% Risk ...

Lady's How would you feel if you were forced to have a Breast removed to live a longer life ?

Gentlemen , how would you feel if your wife , companion lost her Breast ? 

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Would make sense to take those suckers off and get on with living. Lighten the load on the shoulders feel like a kid again.

Amen!  I never had that much to start with.

I knew one lady that lost her breast to cancer . She recovered . It was hard for her to deal with it for a while . It didn't take away from her beauty . I've read stories of men leaving their wives over her loosing a breast . Shame ou you ....

Yeah, thats pretty bad for a man to do that to his wife or girlfriend. But in defense of men, I know of many women who attract their future boyfriends/husbands by being as sexy as can be possible with enhanced bras and low cut shirts. A few of my guy friends showed me the profile pics of women who emailed them from Dating sites and they were UNBELIEVABLY sleazy!! I dont have to tell anyone that men are very visual and just that first date could be a deal maker and the other stuff might be good, not great and then before they know it, they're hooked....LOL!! So, what if the main important focus was the physical appearance and everything was secondary. They equate the boobs and the body with love. Then a man cant deal with the altering of all that....

Having said that, I would never end up with a man like that because I make sure things dont start out with him unable to tear himself away from my chest. Well, I SHOULD say if THAT was the case, he will NOT see me again and it will be a VERY short date!! Especially since I wouldnt be wearing anything crazy to begin with. He needs to see BEYOND all that and what is INSIDE the heart to get to the GOOD STUFF...HAHA!!!

I dont mean to be ungrateful for what some people may think I have been blessed with but heck yeah....i would do it of I was at high risk.

Glad that I was able to live longer without fear of getting breast cancer!   I'd do it in a heartbeat if that was my prognosis.   Radiation and chemo would bother me more than surgery, not that I would necessarily welcome living without one or both.  I have a friend who underwent double mastectomy and opted not to have reconstructive implants.  She says i she's not good enough the way she is, he's not good enough for her!  Another friend who had a double mastectomy decided to get reconstructive surgery a couple of years later.  Each woman is different. 

By the way, I hope that I would never be with a man who would place more value on a breast(s) than he did on my life!

By the way, I hope that I would never be with a man who would place more value on a breast(s) than he did on my life!



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It seems to ME, if she HAD the best doctors, WHY couldn't they have "healed" her a different way than  a mastectomy?! I work for rich old people and what kind of "surprises" me is the fact that they (rich people in general) can buy ANYTHING they want but they have the same means of pain medication that WE do, they have basically the SAME cures, and if they need a new kidney, liver, or heart, they are put on a transplant list like EVERYONE else.

I guess this observation came when the old man I took care of just couldnt get ANY relief from his pain, anxiety, and discomfort many days and he could have bought the MOON if it helped.

It was especially brave for Angie because she depends to a great extent on her physical beauty to earn a living. She is known for her body.  Tough and brave decision for her.

When I was a  young woman, I was terrified to be diagnosed with breast cancer and have to undergo that maiming surgery to stay alive. It was a more drastic procedure back then.  Nowadays there are options, and maybe a lumpectomy is all that is needed.  Nowadays, especially now that I live alone and have no man in my life......I guess I wouldn't hesitate to do what was necessary to buy a few more quality years.  I would like to see another grandchild.....and see #4 granddaughter graduate from college. 

Yeah I thought she didnt actually HAVE it but was preventing it. I know of women who have done that just as a precaution. Its a standard suggestion if you have a family history OR your mamogram was bad...


There are some gene therapys that are being used for some disease, but state of the art isn't there yet to correct that gene.

It's a big decision to make, but doctors have gotten really good of assessing odds for many cancers....sad that they have so much data, but good for those who need to have as much information as possible to make these kinds of decision.

I wouldn't think twice!




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