I couldn't sleep the other night and as I was surfing the box,I found this movie.
Now the first time that I saw this film it was back in the 70's, as a young teenager with my first boyfriend, who snuck me into the X-rated film.(He was much older than myself but that's another story for another day)
I'm not sure how many other times I have seen it,but I know it had been AGES,so I settled into watching it hoping it would lead me by the hand into dreamland.
I became intrigued by this film!
I loved the storyline,I loved the acting,and also the cinematography.
I'm sure when I was younger I was oblivious to the levels of this film.The main buzz about this film way back when was mostly about Maria Schneider's buttered ass....lol
I thought this film captured the complexities of male female relationships even when that relationship starts out being "zipless fuck" as Erica Jong use to call it.(anonymous sex)
I thought Marlon Brando's acting was so liberated in his performance.It was rumoured he wouldn't study his lines but rather put up cue cards everywhere on the set to remind him as he improvised.
He simply OOZED sexuality in this film,showing the many facets of male sexuality and how it is expressed,even touching on such topics as humiliation and Dominance/submission..I wasn't so sure how I felt about that long hair on him though...OY
Maria Schneider was the female Yin to Brando's male Yang in this film, no pun intended!....lol
They did indeed dance that fiery dance of mating and love.
The ending of the film was truly startling.
Now I know this film isn't for everyone,but I am a huge fan of artistic foreign films and this one just made it back onto my list.
Anyone else fancy this film?