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 Have you ever given a presentation in front of a large group of people? How did it go?

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Does teaching Jr high classes count? When I was a child my mother made me take elecution lessons and I had to give recitations at church events. Otherwise  as an adult,  I once gave a short speech at daughter's wedding reception. It went well enough.

I have done a few and they all went well even thought I had stage fright at first.  Once I got into it...all went well.

No a presentation but two performance as part of two different singing groups. Both were in high school...one for our daytime assembly and the other for our Orange and Blue, a night time program where families were in attendance. 

The night of the O & B, my bra came loose just as we were about to go on stage! Thankfully someone was able to hook it back up pretty quickly and we did our thing. I have stage fright but being part of a group makes it easier to handle.

I played trumpet in high school played a few short solos.

Yes, I once had to give a drug abuse lecture to supervisors at NSA headquarters in Maryland.  I wasn't told how large the audience was but when I was escorted to a stage and looked out at the auditorium, there must have been 150 supervisors.  I had given lots of similar lectures, but this was my largest audience.  It went very well, they gave me a nice letter of appreciation.

John are you from Maryland?  In 2018 I left MD to move to Tennessee.  Very rural area, but close to I 40.  Laid back and quiet.  I love it.    I still have 4 sons and 4 grandchildren in MD.  

Yes, I lived in Anne Arundel County for 35 years, retired in '92 and moved to South Dakota.  I try not to go back, but I do have 2 nieces and a brother still living there.

I did it a few times in front of a large group of young people like myself when I was in my 20's with a singles group I was running for office with.  Next time was in my late 30's or early 40's.  In front of a group of real estate agents, I was also licensed, but not for long but I was in charge of getting their reports.  I had what I later found out were some of the highest producing agents in the company.  Never let that bother be.  They all liked me, so it wasn't too brutal.  

Over the years I addressed many other groups, including the short time I managed a real estate office.  Management was not for me.  I much more liked being an agent and teaching others how to manage bank foreclosures and Relocation properties.  I was good at taking new agents and teach them t how to be good agents.  




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