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A little cooler today.  Highs in the low 80s.  Could fall be approaching? 

I didn't do anything special today.  Made a mixed fruit cobbler and BBQ'd some meatballs for sandwiches and made potato salad. Swept pine needles off my patio from a little wind we had last night.

Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe & well.

Home today, I will do my regular chores, play with the pups and get a couple of episodes of The Good Fight in before I have to make dinner.  I am sure there will be plenty of outdoor time as it is going to be a beautiful in the mid 70's. One day is much the same as the next but I really am OK with that. 

Good morning friends! I'll be going over my one daughter's house today then next week my other daughter. Wishing you all a good day!

It's Sunday and I woke up to winds gusting to 22 mph. We've had windy days for the past three. And it's going to be a rainy day, so I think I'll hunker down today and enjoy a good book. 

Had TBD Zoom member yesterday. Today oldest son is coming to help on the farm.

No plans going on for the holiday weekend- son works 2 of the day DIL all 3 off.

To be 71 here today and cloudy.

Just heard from Syble and her internet is down right now.

Finally, my internet is back up.  Hope you all are having a good weekend.  Take care everyone..

Went out and watered the beans...picked 6..pathetic. I picked most of the tomatoes (also pathetic) that were near ripe in anticipation of frost likely overnight tomorrow night...will cover them tomorrow evening with some frost blanket. The beans are on their own. To be 87 today and 55 tomorrow, and maybe some rain. Snow on the high peaks?...maybe. It was 117 at my daughter's house in Redlands CA yesterday. Unreal...in 39 years in SoCal, never saw it above 110 except in the desert.

The highest I experienced in California was 115 in Long Beach. That was in 1957.

Three grand daughters came yesterday to help go through pictures and get ready for the Memorial service in Oct. (We postponed it due to Covid) One stayed the night and left a little after noon.  I enjoyed having them here and it is much too quiet now that they are gone. So, I turned on the TV for noise, LOL!

Very cold and gloomy- rainy here today- at 8 was still dark. No pland for today- son works- DIL is off.




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