TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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here we go, it's sunday, either the end of the holiday weekend or the beginning of your new week, whichever way you view it.   mare's tails are scudding across the Valley now, no doubt bringing cooler rain for the week.  sigh.  it's been delightful mid-60s for the last few days!

I am here, our weekend house guest has gone home, and we are relaxing before the work week begins.  I hope all of you had a great holiday weekend.  Now to gear up for the Christmas holiday.  *mumbles humbug*

are you not a christmas fan, Richard, or is is just that you don't like the commericalism?

I am a long standing member of Not A Christmas Fan Club.  I also don't care for the commercialism even though I realize it creates jobs and tax dollars.

ok, it's more than the commercialism.  gotcha'.  is S in sync w/ that, can you two just take off for someplace warm, for the holiday weekend?

Oh yes we both are on the same wave length.  We will most likely be here warm and cozy although there might be a holiday brunch in the making.  We exchange gifts and send out cards so it isn't totally humbugish.  LOL

ok, gotcha'.

Trying to get caught up on way too many things. I am also trying to get more organized so I have my meals planned for the week. I am heading to the store soon to get all the ingredients so no last minute worrying about nothing being thawed and such. 
I have got to get in the Christmas spirit...gonna pull out the Christmas CD's and blast them through the house.


LOL  Ok, after reading this I am tired now.  LOL  My clock says it's barely still morning in the midwest.  GOOD MORNING CRYSTAL!  Good luck with seeking the spirit.

good morning, Richard!

Good afternoon Lynn!  I didn't intend to forget to greet you this morning.  I woke up too many times during the night.  It took extra long to come to and function 100%.  It's still questionable about my functionation.  LOL


The bracket that holds our hand held shower thing sprung a leak last night...... the only plastic part of course.  I couldn't glue it to stop the leakage with the water pressure so I will make a trek to Lowes for a replacement hand held.  Why don't they make plastic anymore that a person can glue easily like decades ago?  LOL

Richard, not to worry, you'd have to work harder than that to make me question your friendship!  i was up at 4:30, saying g'morning to LK/Stuart -- he nearly choked on his coffee!  of course, i went back to bed and slept another 6 hours....

bummer that the shower bracket broke, what a PITB.  but they're not very expensive to replace, thankfully....




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