TBD on Ning

It's Friday.

Chucks is gone and so is his Q&A Group. As JayLee feared so are the Vibes. Since there is no Question and answer group there appears to be no check in.


So Let's do it over here. It's the start of the weekend! Time to have fun.


There is all kinds of bad news.

1. Looks like tbd is splintering.

2. After two days the TBD Stalwarts has only 7 members.

3. The Stock Market tanked yesterday.

4. The end of the world is near.

5. The Zombies are still here


Everybody check in and give me some good news.


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the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning,
changes in meaning, and the principles that govern the relationship
between sentences or words and their meanings

What exactly did she say???
"it's all a frame of mind"
Is that "The Naked Mind"?  I don't think I've ever heard the term "Nude Mind".  Altho there are sometime a lot of nudes dancing around in my naked mind.
Hey, Steven Goth just showed up. Kooner, want to go to Vegas and jump off the tower with me?

Kooner, when I get this workkamper commitment over we'll see about doing some jumping. I haven't been to NYC since about 2004. I always enjoy visiting, Especially Central Park and some of the Irish bars. Used to love Germantown back when I was young and could party all night. But last time I was there it wasn't. I do enjoy wandering through SoHo.

Don't know that I'll make back up there. Florida, especially Key West, calls me every winter. If gas wan't so expensive I'd like to make it to Calif in the RV.

I am still here.

I  like tuna melts.

I'll stick with the french dip. Tuna melt's gross me out for some reason.
Sorry, ain't happening. I'm still here, but if I have to eat a tuna melt to stay, I might have to leave. I don't like tuna. The only tuna I eat is canned. I make a tuna salad with so much onion, celery, pickle relish and mayo, that it hides the taste of the tuna.

tuna melt?





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