TBD on Ning



> What if there were no hypothetical questions?

> Is there another word for synonym?

> Where do forest rangers go to “get away from it all"?



Go ahead.... ask anything.

Tags: ?, Can someone help me?, Do you know if...?, What is THAT all about?

Views: 58

Replies to This Discussion

Same here.  I noticed it on my profile page too.
What are you people talking about?
Try to keep up there Robbie.....don't be like Deez and stay 2hours behind.   LOL
I tried to post from the home page but it just disappears!

So, RRC. Are you and Toto caught in another Kansas tornado?

Not today....but then there is always tomorrow.

One of the first things on the news this morning was a report that once again Lindsay Lohan, a marginally attractive woman, with no visible talent other than the ability to stay in the public eye, has possibly violated her parole.

Now I gotta ask....why can't she be put away somewhere to actually serve a prison sentence like one of us common folk would have to do, or.................. let her out to self destruct if she so desires?

I mean really....would she be missed by the general public either way????????


Bob, I have to disagree with your evaluation of Lindsay Lohan's looks and Talent. i think both are way above the norm. However, having said that, I totally agree with your feelings about how the law has treated her. I do not understand the celebrity worship that seems pervasive in this country.  Why should you be above the law if you are attractive, or talented, or rich? That is not how things are susposed to work in this country. 

She has some nice sized hooters.

That should give her some cred.

Who knows??? those hooters could be keeping her out of jail.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Oh! I think that was part of a commercial.




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