TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................

Ladyg, Owner
Mary, Manager
Lynn, Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 13

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Good Wednesday morning, all!
**am i really the first one here? yikes!**
come on, surely i'm not the only one here all day....
Hey Lynn and Ladyg, I haven't been around all day, as I've been busy at work and coming home......to take care of things......(Ladyg! R taken care of today! :) ) I will pop in later in the week and hope something will be going on for the weekend.........I need to get away into my little world here.....:)
hey, Mary! i knew you'd be working. daytimes are slow all over tbd these days! i'm around for another hour or two, a few groups here and in FB.
Yep..have spent most of the night over in FB ....rearannging the farms.....and what not...lol.......but getting really tired....so will do a run by to groups here, then call it a night....:)
Sweet Dreams Lynn, and Ladyg.....love ya'
Good Thursday Morning, all!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really busy today, but just had to stop in and say hi. see you all later, i hope!
LOL.......well here it is almost 9 pm and am here at last! no one around....what ever is going on w/folks?...any way have a Blessed evening and day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
CATEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE MISS YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**hollering loudly, so she can hear!**
Hi Amazon....Lynn I seem to miss everyone tonight....Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!!!:)
It figures, I always miss seeing you Chickie Cat.........and am very sad........*sigh*....love you lil sister!........hope to see you at some point this weekend!!!!!! It just isn't the same without..you here laughing and cutting up together...:)
FRIDAY -- woo hoo, it's really Friday!!!!!!!!!
have a happy, everyone!!!!!!
ok, surely someone else will show up this evening??????????????????

The bar is open!




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