TBD on Ning

Good morning all!  Welcome to our friendly little coffee shop where you can meet up with some new or old friends.  Come on in, have a seat by the fire and stay warm!  Enjoy the weekend and be safe.

Tags: coffee, conversation, food, friends, fun, humor, music

Views: 44

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I can hear that Chief Petty Officer now screaming "Listen for the bells idiot!!!"
Royal Typewriter Pictures, Images and Photos
That was MINE! I want it back!
They made us practice on machines just like that except the letters had been removed from all the keys.
Worn out? Or did they take them off so you'd learn?
Oh, geez. And remember using that awful carbon paper? LOL And mimeograph machines. . . they were HUGE.
Ever use a Thermograph? A giant leap forward for copying.
Don't know that I remember that.
It was like onion skin, you put a letter behind it and ran it through a heat machine to "burn" a copy. That's where the phrase comes from.
Do you remember Onion Skin?
onion skin, yes.




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