TBD on Ning

Hello Folks,
Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want to
take a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment and
get to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone is
welcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no one
happens to be here at the moment, just stick around or keep an eye on
the last post to see who pops up to greet you

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Good evening from me - it's after five here and I'm thinking about a little glass of wine before dinner -

maybe something from M. Breton, who is one of my nearby-village neighbors - his house is similar to mine.

Wine will work!

Lovely Chez!
Hey there :-) Came to say hi to Cat and everyone else!
Hey Janne! You came in while I was out to lunch. All that talk about sauce in another thread made me hungry. So I got a meatball sandwich from one of the sidewalk vendors.

If you get a minute, check out Robbie's thread(s) in Q&A.
Hello? I'm home from work, sitting on the patio. What a glorious day. Low to mid 70s, nice breeze. . . life is good.
It's raining here. and Hot when it stops. I may have a change of plans. I'm looking at the possibility of taking a position as a camp host on lake Travis near Austin, TX.
Hi Robbie! Maybe I missed you. We're getting some heavy rains tonight and into tomorrow, then we're getting the hot stuff again. Sounds like a boat ride for me. The only way to stay cool. Geez, I wish Copper liked the water.
NOW THAT'S more like it! Hi LK, great to see you here again!
Great. Nice day here. Just hanging outside with Copper (who is doing quite well these days btw).

Kinda hanging around home waiting for my new grandson to be born. He's due any day now.
Going on the water today? Saturday looks like a real good day here. . . I'd hate to be in the middle of my river run and get the phone call to go to the hospital. Maybe she can hang on until Monday. . . LOL
Good stuff!
*panting after chasing after everyone* Are we there yet? Is this going to be THE place? LOL




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