TBD on Ning

There is a new group "TBD Stalwarts" listed in the "Groups Area of the main page. I would just like to make sure that everyone who participates  in the "Forum" is aware of this group.



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If you get to the Forum page click Discussions and it looks like it used to.
Please stick around. We may try a few new things, but it is all in response to members suggestions as they have always been done.Please let us know what you think as you have here. Again please stay and help us. What would you like to see with the forum.
A great analogy Jaylee. I also feel like a child forced to choose between my parents.
And with the Forum split people will have to respond to discussion topics with fervor to bump Nancy off Page 1. This could be interesting.
I seldom use the popular acronyms but I have to Ubu.
LOL (Click Me) Ubu - hilarious!!! (Sorry, not PC. My bad. )
I am well aware of the fact that I may choose to stay or go....I am not a child.
There is no argument as far as I can see but there is dissention amongst the troops and that saddens me.
I figured out the Forum split after my knee jerk reaction...whatever...

26 vs 31
Good one, Sugar......;=D
Memo to self; You're here to have fun. Now! Go write that on the chalkboard 100 times.

You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.
You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.
You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.You're here to have fun.
you're here to have fun!!!!

Alright!!!! I'm ready to have some fun.
LOL (Click Me)
One for all and all for one..!
You do realize you have created a mirror of the TBD Stalwarts that is under groups . . . That a group, this a thread.

Confusing. Look at me. I'm so dizzy I'm gonna fall over . . .




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