TBD on Ning

Via internet stream you can listen to a variety of interesting music.

Google WQNA to find the stream. The show is called Fear and Loathing in Springfield and it airs 6 - 9PM CST on Sunday evenings.

It may uplift the downtrodden and down trod the uplifted. Some may faint, others may experience moments of rage and in some cases hilarity.

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Sad to hear that WQNA is gone, and of the treatment you all got. Typical Christian "we love everyone--who is EXACTLY like us" BS. They will (or won't) get theirs.

Ecstatic to hear you're forging forward. I'd say 65% of the way anywhere is pretty damned good! Obviously, the greater community (read NOT avaricious religious bigots, etc.) are on your side. I hope there are generous grants to be had.

Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving, Christmas, Festivus, or whatever, and I wish you and your family a wonderful 2020.

Thanks for all the work you've done to post here, Snagg, and to keep us (me??) in great music.

Keep us posted, okay? 





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