TBD on Ning

     My daughter comes over for dinner about once a week.  She moved out about a year ago when she was 26 but able to support herself fine in her teaching career at a local middle school.  Her apartment is on Long Island just a few miles from us. 
     My wife makes her this special dinner she really loves:  bearded chicken cutlets. You read it correctly. It's no spelling error...bearded chicken cutlets. These bearded chickens besides being incredibly delicious are recommended by the APA...American Poultry Association. I'm talking turkey here  for sure,    although I'm discussing chickens.
     These fork tender breasts my wife orders from an upstate New York farm where they are shipped frozen in an insulated styrofoam box.  The tufts of elongated feathers called muffs sprouting from these cutlets are easy to chew  and have a sweet succulent taste which my whole family loves.  
     My daughter ate a bearded cutlet that reminded her of Abraham Lincoln.  Most of these cutlets resemble a swollen avocado.  I find honey barbecue sauce really complements the taste while my wife and daughter prefer honey mustard with their cutlets.  My wife fries the bearded cutlets in grapeseed oil which really enhances their flavor. 
     With the Big Apple Circus performing for several days in our area at a local park, my daughter was planning on going with a friend. I suggested she take along some bearded chicken cutlets for lunch.  YES..They taste great cold too.  
     The main attraction at this year's Big Apple Circus aside from the tigers and acrobats is the world famous Breaded Lady. She'll be singing the song that made her known worldwide:  Leavening On A Jet Plane.    

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