TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Turkish taffy, fudge, peppermints, butterscotch barrels 

Salty snacks: drips, flies, top-shorn, quetzals 

chips, fries, popcorn, pretzels

Soft drinks: Procter Leper, Smoke-a Bola, Slush, Binger Fail

Dr. Pepper ( haha), Coca Cola, Crush, ginger ale 

Acid-rich: villager, melons and mimes, sickles

vinegar, lemons? and limes, pickles

High fat & salt (yum...hahaha!):  got-logs, give-her-first, tatami, makin' 

hot dogs, liverwurst, salami, bacon 

Bitter: candy-buyin' deans, pale (extra points if you name two), bran-cherries, teen flea

dandelion greens, kale & ale?, cranberries, green tea

Spicy:  silly, genomic wire-shawl (candy), balsa, ruffle-flow things

(extra points) 

Chili, atomic fire ball, salsa, Buffalo what 

(Great rhymes)

Crispy,crunchy: Maltines, boast, binger slaps,

 bee-butt middle

(Buffalo wings Haha!)

Saltines, toast, ginger snaps, peanut brittle (hehe!)

Soft and gooey: tara-bell, budgie frown-bees, hack-the-dunes, finnegan bowls     

caramel, fudge brownies, macaroons, cinnamon rolls 

Soft and chewy: dumplings, doodles, harsh-fellows, thumb-crops

?? (can't think of anything that rhymes but isn't dumplings--haha) , noodles, marshmallows, gum drops

Yucky foods (my personal prejudices): drains, snipe, meatheads, goat-squeal (cereal)

Oops. Autocorrect again. I wanted rumplings). 

brains, tripe, sweetbreads, oatmeal )

Ways to eat:  corks, lopticks, lingers, dunes

forks, chopsticks (my favorite), fingers, spoons

Ways to drink: sup, whine, lug, blob-vet




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