TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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(bullet rain=bullet train)

French toast, French kiss, French vanilla ice cream (haha), French whores (best kind--lol)

English: English puffin, the Ding's English, toddy English, soot come English faun sit  

(Yes, French whores  are way way better than French doors,  lol. And a way better rhyme too)

English muffin  the kings English, body English,- - English faucet

Coast: best coast, the coast is near, coast to hickory, Beknighted Traits Coast Card 

(Haha! The whore thing tells you where my mind goes--I never even thought of doors!)

("soot come English faun sit" =put some English on it--nonsensical rhyme--sorry.)

west coast, the coast is clear, coast ??, United States Coast Guard

Line: toastline, a tine line, boss the line, sick-pup line

I think it was the spelling. Bores spelled ore, not oor like door

(Coast to victory)

Coastline, a fine line, cross the line, pick-up line

Shirt: Bee shirt,  roughed shirt,  less shirt, shirtweaves 

tee shirt, stuffed shirt, dress shirt, shirtsleeves

Dress: dressed pup, dressed new pill, dress more suppress, bummer dress  

dressed up, dressed to kill, dress for success, summer dress

Boot: boot slaps, flubber boots,  boot-kicker, tie-sealed boots

boot straps, rubber boots, boot-licker, high-heeled boots

Shoe: shoe feather, shoe free, woody blue-shoes, flop the mother shoe

shoe leather, shoe tree, goody 2shoes, drop the other shoe (good one)

Wing: wingban (either of 2), pot wings, don a wing and a layer, wing-bling

wingspan, hot wings, on a wing and a prayer, wing-ding

Leg: Make a leg!, gendarme band a leg, a leg pup, bee legs 

Break a leg! An arm and a leg, a leg up, sea legs

Hand: hand frosh, hand-laden, bold hand, hand-drafted

hand wash, handmaiden, hold (cold, old) hand, hand-crafted

Belly: fork belly (food), fear belly, belly pup, mellow belly 

That's right. You could say cold hand, as well as old hand.

pork belly, beer belly,belly up, yellow belly

Laundry soaps: Pride, Rain, Deer, Charm & Damn 'er




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