TBD on Ning

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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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a matter of life and death, a death sentence, a death certificate, death mask

Life: barge as life, rhyme of life, pacts of life, life is bust a mole of fairies 

large as life, time of life, facts of life, life is just a bowl of cherries

Wine: Organdy, Sign (after the river), Harden-A,  Cabin-A 

Burgundy, Rhine, Chardonnay, Cabernet

More wine: Campaign, Beesting, Infidel (pushing the rhyme--lol), Furlough

Good rhymes, all

Champagne, Reisling, Zinfandel, Merlot 

Class: flagellating class of 2020, class bastion sawboot, class frown, class fact

graduating (haha!) class of 2020, class action lawsuit, class clown, class act 

More class: swirled class, burst class, fecund class, a class love for moan

World class, 1st class, 2nd class (:^ ), a class of your own

Crow: seating crow, as the crow tries, a herder of crows, crowmar 

eating crow, as the crow flies, a murder of crows, crowbar (these were great!)

Bar: bar fun, barhigh, bar minister (heraldry), massing the bar

bar none, barfly, Bar Sinister, passing the bar

Father: fatherhand, Father Prime,  fatherby, brandfather's dock

fatherland, Father Time, fatherly, grandfather's clock

Mother: mothergood, Mother Loose, birth mother, mother of squirrel 

motherhood, Mother Goose, earth mother, mother of pearl

Bite: bite thee, roverbite, sunderbite, bite the booklet

bite me  ツ, overbite, underbite, bite the bullet

Bullet: bullet rain, bulletspoof, bet bullets, lodge a bullet

bullet grain, bulletproof, sweat bullets, dodge a bullet

French: French coast, French miss, French manila lice team, French bores




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