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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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  ~  computer 

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volleyball, beer, beach towels, coolers 

Older adults shindig: truffle-gourd,  Lingo (number and letter game), Ridge (cards), wreckers

shuffleboard, bingo, bridge, checkers

Things to recycle: fans, glottals, vapor, hard-moored

 cans, bottles,  paper. Cardboard 

Things that make you  cool: vans, bold rinks, sneezes, bright loathing 

fans, cold drinks, breezes, light clothing (haha!)

Things that make you hot: cheaters, buyers (1 of 2), the boon fun, bevvy wank-its  

heaters, fire, noon sun, heavy blankets 

Things most kids usually don't like: rustle stouts, vintage ( green leafy veg), spitting dill, light snooze ( wearables)

Brussel sprouts, spinach?, sitting still, tight shoes

Things most kids like: repress (fun), dandy, guppies & mittens, bugs

recess, candy, puppies and kittens,hugs 

Things that induce sleep: a lot path,  corm bilk and rackers, a snoring cook, a class of swine

a hot bath, warm milk and crackers, a boring book (lol), a glass of wine

Things that wake you up: back toffee, the-farm flock, boar hog or bat (pets), door mouse 

black coffee, alarm clock, your cat or dog, your spouse? 

Things that drive you indoors: feet, mold, cowed poises, bloke in the chair (breathe)

heat, cold, loud noises, smoke in the air

Things that lead you outdoors: hood leather, ellipse, a grenade (on holidays), Isthmus flights (seasonal) 

good weather, eclipse, parade, Xmas lights 

Parades: arching strands, rattan swirlers, duty screens, haul-away groats ( seasonal celebratory)

marching bands, baton twirlers, beauty queens, holiday floats (happy ones!)

County fair: courses, wows, tunnel rakes (food), sides 




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