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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Great ones

bench trial, case law, class action suit, common law marriage

More ! abreast torrent, mudlick pretender, remorse degree, in solitary dam-water (charged with)

arrest warrant, public defender, divorce decree, involuntary manslaughter (FUN!)

Still more: eagle grief, reposition, locket, you pro-mess


legal brief, deposition, docket, due process

Old sayings: a tool and his honey are soon darted; as ye know so shall ye weep; fly down with hogs, set up with keys

A fool and his money are soon parted; as ye sew, so shall ye reap; lie down with dogs, get up with fleas

More old sayings: a witch in lime waves fine; braced takes paste; won't fight the band that needs two; many guys, sound toolish

A stitch in time saves nine, haste makes waste, dont bite the hand that feeds you, penny wise pound foolish

More: a benny shaved is a benny burned, words of the weather stop the heather, a Van's tome is his tassel.

A penny saved is a penny earned, birds of a feather flock together, a man's home is his castle

Wind: hag of wind, rake wind, handle in the wind, fecund wind

bag of wind, break wind, candle in the wind, second wind

Weather conditions: grout, bloods, breezing, wheezy

drought, floods, freezing, breezy

More weather: salami (think Japan), were-humane, blow, blunder-dorm  

tsunami, hurricane, snow, thunderstorm

Native: Native Hun (novel), native irrelevance, sewing native, native press

Native Son, native intelligence, going native, native dress

Jobs: tyrant twerkers, bleacher (either or 2), proctor, foyer (American pronunciation) 

migrant workers, preacher, doctor, lawyer 

Standard: Armenian Standard (appliances), standard reduction, standard of giving, Standard Slime 

American Standard, standard deduction, standard of living, Standard Time

More standard: Standard Red (breed of horse), Unicursal Standard (women's clothing line), standard devitation, Standard Doodle




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