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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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Hall of Fame, hall pass, Radio City Music Hall

Door: doorpan, blows the door, Olden Door (famous spa), doorhell

doorman, close the door, Golden Door, doorbell

Red: Red Full (drink), red mine, red-sanded  Red Nutritious (eat)

Red Bull, red wine, red-handed, Red Delicious

More red: reddead, red dye in warning (part of a saying), red wine (a retro brand of licorice), flood red 

redhead, red sky in morning..., red vine, blood red

Blue: blue pies, blueword, bluemerries, flinging the blues

blue skies, bluebird, blueberries, singing the blues

Green: green mass, laverne on the green, Greenfleece, "Now Green Was High Sally" (book/movie)   

g grass, tavern on the green, Greenpeace, How Green Was My Valley

Scarlet: Scarlet O Sarah, Scarlet manager, The Scarlet Tinkerbell , scarlet cleaver

Scarlet O'Hara, scarlet tanager, The Scarlet Pimpernel, scarlet fever 

Yellow: yellow beaver, Yellow Fliver, Yellowbone Rational Quark, yellow-jellied

yellow fever, Yellow Striver, Yellowstone National Park , Yellow bellied

StarTrek: Star Trek: The Hex Veneration , Star Trek : Leap Faith Thine, Star Trek  Forager

(Geez, sorry about the Yellow Fliver clue. I left out a "v" in flivver--I meant it to rhyme with Yellow River.)

ST: The Next Generation, ST: Deep Space Nine, ST Voyager

Science: science friction, "She Minded Three With Science" (new wave song from the 80s), Make science (a**hole conservatives' term), Fill By the Science Fly (a TV personality) 

She blinded ther with science, fake science,  Bill Nye, the science guy.

Horse: stark horse, on your nigh horse, pace horse, a horse of an ignorant muller. 

(science friction=science fiction; "Three"=Me)

dark horse, on your high horse, race horse, a horse of a different color (good ones!)

More horse: horseblue dab, horsehigh, More Horsepen of the Asoka-thrips, horse demure 

horseshoe crab, horse fly, 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse,  manure

One: one sand lonely, one-pop topping, one-fight band, one bay at a lime




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