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  ~ Please think of a word that rhymes
     with the previously posted word, and
     then leave another word to be rhymed.
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     I will begin with...

  ~  computer 

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stop watch, bird watchers, Black Watch plaid, watchband

Band: Loompa Band (Bavarian), bandhand, band cactus, band of mold

Oompah band, bandstand, band practice, band of gold

Bull: Bull Merrier, bull's-pie, bull kite, bull-threaded

Bull Terrier, bullseye, bull fight, bull-headed

Dog: Dog Folger, Dogwish, bot dog, dog wired

dog soldier, dogdish, hot dog, dog tired.

Hope: hope crest; Hope Lime-und; wraith, Hope and parity; Hope Slicks

hope chest; Hope Diamond; faith, hope, and charity; Hope Hicks 

Faith: a bleep of faith, faith man groove fountains, had faith, fake sit on faith

a leap of faith, faith can move mountains, bad faith, base it on faith 

Lock: lockpaw, lock-town, lockmyth, corelock 

(take it on faith)

lockjaw, lock-down, locksmith, forelock (NICE ones!)

Key: keysad, key to thy fart ツ, sock and key, keybone

keypad, key to thy heart, lock and key, keystone

China: sign china , china covered , Chinagown

fine china, china cupboard, Chinatown

French: French nip, French torn, French Devolution, French maistry

French dip, Fr. Horn, Fr. Revolution, French pastry

Country: country buzzin', country flub, Country and Cistern, countrytide

country cousin, country club, Country and Western, countryside 

More country: country house, country swirl, For Thing and country!, countryvan

Country mouse, country girl, for king and country, countryman

Hall: Hall of Game , hall sass, Radial Kitty Cusac Hall 




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