TBD on Ning

TeeBubbaDee is going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery & could be there awhile...
I just want you to know, TeeBub, that you have lots of friendship & love & support here, & an abundance of people that will be pulling for your success & recovery. You're awesome.

Tags: TeeBubbaDee

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Not sure Dot, right now feels more like up the creek.
Hiya, TeeBubbaDee(GeePee'-).... just stoppin' by to say "Evenin'"

and give ya a little kiss. '-)
Looking good TBub! I always wondered what your lovely wife saw in you, now I know.
Don't look so good right now Larry, face is so swollen, one eye is completely closed,
That sucks big time, but can I call you cyclops?
Yeh but I bet all the wrinkles are gone.
Robbie, did you just call TeeBubbaDee wrinkled?!
So... you've insinuated that Pru's brain is addled & T's wrinkled.... you're such a charmer.
Those plans about us crossing paths while you're in Georgia.... I'm rethinking that. ;-p
(okay, okay, I'm fat, I'm getting old, I procrastinate, I'm a little spoiled.... there! have at it!)
For you, Miss Thang!!!

You are too kind, TSD - thank you! (*ahem* Robbie could use some lessons. Don't pay any attention to his claims that he's charming & never steps in it)
d's girl,
I have to stop all those rumors about me being a silver tongued devil. Of course I am always very careful to not say anything that could possibly be misread.
Lets just say I don't look like this.

Face is still swollen, but at least my eye is about 1/2 way open today.
That's just cruel!




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