TBD on Ning

The IOC,(International Olympics Committee) members have voted unanimously to add a new competition to the 2018 winter Olympics  games in South Korea. This is a competition judged for skill,speed, creativity, and teamwork.  This new sport which combines artistry  and engineering is increasing globally where generations of children in the North and South Poles have been enjoying it.  This new sport making its debut in the next winter Olympics is.......snowman building or a snow woman if the contestants desire.
The IOC Rules and Regulation Committee is not putting any restrictions on the snowman size. He or she can be 6 inches or 60 feet tall. Participants can range in age from 1 to 92.  There will be tons of packing snow available,(the best type of snow for making snowballs too). Snowball fighting was considered as an Olympic sport but rejected.
The snowman building teams will consist of 4 individuals with a sixty minute time limit .At their disposal is anything they wish as part of the anatomy or outer garments and accessories. Some suggested items approved by the IOC include carrots, tires, trees,corn pipes, skis, buttons, wreaths, hats, paint, frisbees, beach balls, cherry syrup, balloons, brooms, hair brushes,sponges, tennis rackets,,bowling pins, etc.
Building a snow woman might add additional challenges and cause  deductions but yet might  be rewarded for creativity . It's all up to the dexterity and imagination of the teams as they take risks in building a snow woman like Dolly Parton, Kim Kardashian, Twiggy, or a snowman like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Andre the Giant or some other abominable snow person.
 The IOC believes the  introduction of snowman building in the 2018 winter Olympics will prove to be one of the most exciting sports  and  attract many new fans and participants. Snowman building will be held indoors at controlled freezing temperatures to avoid any kind of melt down.  so for all you snowman wannabe builders out there...let it snow let it snow let it snow.   

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Maybe the US can manage to get a gold.

As of today, the US has 4 gold, and are tied with Russia for second place with a total of 16 medals. The US has won at least one medal EVERYDAY SINGLE DAY so far in the Olympics. On top of that, The streak could continue this week with several Americans expected to contend for a medal: including bobsledders Holcomb and Elana Meyers, Shiffrin (slalom) and Ligety (giant slalom), ice dancers Meryl Davis and Charlie White, plus both men's and women's hockey teams.

The glass is half full darrol, nor half empty.




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