TBD on Ning

Alas,  The year is coming to an end.  Am planning (best laid plans) to visit here at least one time a day. And to make December bright in my eyes.  Love and laughter and good riddance to 2012.

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The Menger Bar was where Teddy Roosevelt recruited volunteers for the Rough Riders for the first American Cavalry that fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. The Menger Bar is exact 19th Century replica of the House of Lords Pub in London. It has paneled cherry wood ceiling, beveled mirrors from France and decorated glass cabinets.

friday night, and i'm stopping by too late, i know. 

a friend whose older son is diagnosed with terminal cancer (younger son suicided at age 18) has occupied my time and thoughts for a couple days, and the Connecticut shootings are just horrid.  yeah, i'm emotional, and this is uncommon for me.

my own children have flirted with the edge enough, but i've never actually had to survive losing a child.  yet.  may that continue!

Morning Moosies..................dropping off some coffee and doughnuts

saturday night and i've done wrapping all the gifts, ready for delivery.  some i'll hang on neighbors' doorknobs on Christmas Eve, some my son will pick up next weekend, a few I'll take to the pool midweek, and the rest i'll take when i go to visit the weekend after Christmas.

It is snowing here an I just got back from taking chicken soup and molasses cookies to a shut in next door...

I am ready for av nice hot cup of strong black coffee and that doughnut in the lower left corner...thank you


Good Morning Moosies..............have a wonderful Sunday my friends.........leaving goodies.........

Hello calories, climb aboard!!!    :)

Keep the snow where ever you are okay?  LOL

none here, only rain and fog....

No snow here either, not even cold.  Have been a total slug this weekend...wow...gotta get moven and motivated to do something...something...:-)

Honey I'll send you some of my snow! i shoveled 12 inches of the lovely stuff tonight!

Good Morning Moosies..........Julia you can keep the snow.............anyone want this rain............

dropping off some coffee and goodies...........




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