NTS in the ATTIC
In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter
Perfect! They're coming for you, Irene! ツ
Justifiably jangled and jittery, Jonathan jerks out a jackknife and jams it into a jicama that just jiggled, jitterbugged, jumped, and then jogged, jibbering, toward Jessica.
watch your back, Jessica
Karla's kleptomania causes her to kick over the Kool Aid like a krazy kangaroo on her way to klept the carton of Kools
Haha! Krazy kangaroo kick--I feel like doing that sometimes.
Long and lanky Louis lumbered, laboriously lugging a load of lady's leather luggage, laughing a lackluster laugh at his liberal lack of loafer's luck.
Mourning morosely her missing mutt, Marnie munches her morning muffin mumbling and muttering moistly.
Awwww, I can relate. "Muttering moistly" is funny. :>)
Nottingham noticed there's nothing nearly as noisome and noxious as noticeably naffing nectarines nigrified by nasty gnat nymph nibbling.
(certainly nothing nearly as noisome as that)
Oliver, ogling Opal overly oppressively, opts to offer an oleaginous ode, orating orotundly
Peter's Pickle Previously Poked Partly thru his Pocket.
just trying to keep up ba-dum-dump
Quaffing quarts of Quaglia, the querulous, quarrelsome, quaggy quipper quotes questionable quatsch while having quick quelch with quiche.
(I had a Q prepared,too. Can I use it?)
Quizzing Quaid, quixotic Quentin quaffs quantities of Quaaludes on the quarter deck of the Quaker, while quoting Quarrimgton
Really religious Radhakrishna raised the red rumala, reverenced Rama, read Rambhadracharya, then rode his rickety Roadmaster rapidly through the rain, racing right to Rakshabandhan.
So, Sonny, someone, sunk into silly, senseless satire, skyjacks social speech, in search of sensationalizing self.
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