TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Wantonly whispering waxing and waning waves of wicked words woven with winsome wiggling, Wanda wrests welcome, worshipful whistles from wishful wandering  workmen.  

There you go again!

X- actly on the "X", Xavier exited Xanadu as excited as an X=man with an X-acto knife.(and that's all she wrote)

Amazing you got X-words to make a complete, sensible sentence. Maybe you're an X-man! ツ (I wish I were one, btw).

Yawning under yon Yulan, youthful Yoshika yearns for yards and yards of yellow Youghal lace and Yale-blue yarn to yield a yukata to make yonder Yachimata yokels yelp.


Z- Zoe zoomed zoo-ward, zeroing in on a zaftig zebra zealously plucking a zither. Zowie!

A starts focusing in on emotions or feelings

Anxiously anticipating admonishment, Albert arrived in the area ardently absorbing his angst and agonizing about his appearance, while also allowing for absolution, if available.

Fabulous...both of them!

Boisterous, bellicose, Brazilian banker Bernardo bellowed brazenly while Brobdingnagian British Bank Bobby Broderick brashly brandished a big, bulky brass baton before boxed-in Belgium bankrobber Baptiste. 


Comforting a crying Connie, Cathy cuddles her chubby, child's cheeks, and chases away her constant, choking, clamorous caterwauling .

Sweet and gentle, like you.

Depressed, despondent Daniel decided during a dramatically "down" day to defer his disappointment and delay deeply desired death, determined not to deal disastrous undeserved damage to his dearest deaf daughter Delilah.  

(Dark and dismal, like me. Hahaha!)

(well, some days are like that)

Evangeline emotes effusively ever so easily while entertaining everyone, elevated, with her "Electra"efforts, every evening.

Funny, freckly filmmaker Frederick frequently flies into a fugue-like frenzy of flashy, frenetic Fandango, floating feather-like with his French flugelhornist fiancée Fabienne. 

Giggling giddily, Gillian grins, glowing gloriously at her girlfriends 'gyrations, going all goofball.

Handsome hunk husband Hamish hugs hard his happy, high-spirited honey Helena while they hum a halcyon hymn in hypnotic, heart-warming harmony. 

☺ sweet

Immeasurably irritated and immensely irked, Irma initiates an intervention into her intern, Irene's, inordinate inebriation.




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