NTS in the ATTIC
In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, thank you for that image. Hahaha!!!!
quarelsome queens quietly queefing in a quonset (truly sorry for that one--lol )
(had to look up queef; didn't know there was a word for it)
rude rowdies royally rolfing in the rye-grass
sh*t-for-brains senators smugly slandering senior Spanish same-sex spouses
tattooed toughs trouncing trembling teenie-boppers
Haha! I LOVE the word "trounce"!
unsavory, uliginous usurers up·braiding unfortunate uncles
very vacuous villains venting on virtuous virgins
You are GOOD at this!!
Wimpy wankers whining wanting wicked wanton women
X-rated eXortations x'd-out
zany zealots zeroing in on zaftig zeitgeist
Damn, I thought you'd give us a new category--you're so much better at it than I am. Let's do all things Dickens--characters, settings, Victorian accoutrements, etc.
Artful absconding with an alderman's alms
baleful bailiffs berating beggars
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