TBD on Ning

Posted ImageNTS in the ATTICPosted Image

In alphabetical order...
the*WHAT* and the *WHERE*
must begin with the same letter Posted Image

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Severus Snape casting spells on snakes

Tiny Tim teeters on tulips

Ulysses unbound in the underworld

Veronica in a V-necked dress

Willy Wonka wolfing Whoppers

X-men in the X files

Yoda yawning in a Y-wing Fighter 

Zorro zipping around in ze cape

Haha! That was a good one. 

Arrrgh, my choice of a category again.

Lets do swear words/phrases. :>) Any language will do. (And I guess if it's too graphic, you can substitute asterisks for a letter or two.) Please feel free to pick another category if you'd like...

Assholes arguing about alcohol 

(ha, ha, I like it)

bad-asses  bitching about BS

cocknugget clowns chuckling at crap

damned d*ckheads   d*cking around




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