Mohammad Saleem Chaudhry


karachi sind


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About Me:
I'm a retired and mentally emanicipated from biases,prejudices and fixationsof all types, person.I've blogging page in WasdhingtonPost,LAT,USTODAY,N.Y.T.Chicago Tribune and Telegraph,you can google 160 pages,listing my write-ups on my name M SASLEEM Chaudhry

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  • Train

    It is good to have a new friend, Mohammed! Happy New Year!
  • Mohammad Saleem Chaudhry

    Catherine,you can google my name ,M Saleem Chaudhry and read my blogs/comments in all leading publications of US/UK/Pakistan on current issues.Just a recent comment in Newsweek hereunder:
    Another sagacious and timely advice by Fareed Zakaria

    Fareed Zakaria, a keen analyst with a lot of farsight,has given another sagacious and timely advice to Obama Administration in his column,"Don't forget America's other war" Newsweek Jan.4,2010.
    As he has rightly concluded,"The costs of Iraq war has been great and perhaps indefensible.But Iraq could still turn out to be an etraordinary model for the Arab world.Its people are negotiating their differences for the most part peacefully;its politics is becoming more pluralistic and democratic;its press is free;its provices have autonomy;its focus has shifted to business and wealth creation,not religion and Jihad.The Obama adminstration has a window of opportunity to cement these gains in 2010"

    Let's see what Obama administration makes out of this advice of a political sage!!
  • Ladyg