carol machulski


Corona, NY

United States

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lonely at times but enjoy being and talking or emailing people who are or will be friends.

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  • Angharad

    Happy Easter, Carol!  I hope you're enjoying riding in the warm breezes of Spring.

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Your welcome, I hope your day was good.

  • Angharad

    Geez, I missed your birthday! Sorry! (I need to remember to check the Main Page.ツ) Anyway, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, CAROL!!!!! I hope it was a great day!

    Image result for horse birthday

  • Angharad

    Yup, you had answered my last PM, Carol. ツ

    While I'm sorry to hear that your trainer is going through all that pain, and that it will put off your work with her, you seem to have a good plan to keep riding and working on deficits. With your determination to improve, Carol, I know it will happen!

    You must be looking forward to cooler riding days. Until, of course, it gets FRIGID out there. I remember so well, after hours of riding, dismounting in a hurry on blacktop, or some such, and hitting that frozen ground with my frozen, booted feet. Yeow! Haha! Ahhh, the joys and pains of dressage. ツ

  • Angharad

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Carol!  I hope all is well with you!

  • Angharad

    Thanks for the great picture, Carol! 

    Did I ever send you one of me? I don't have a lot (most of my photos got destroyed), but here's a still taken from a video when I was in competition. Sorry it's blurry.

    This is just the once around the outside of the ring before officially beginning our ride.

  • Angharad

    Have a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving, Carol! I hope you'll be sharing it with friends or family or HORSES!!! 

  • Angharad

    Merry Christmas, Carol, and a fabulous 2020!

  • Angharad

    May your 2020 be filled with happiness, good friends, good health, and stellar rides!

  • Angharad

    Wow! I hope that wasn't our last note, Carol! You're my only horse person left on TBD and, except for you, I have no one left to talk dressage with. Plus, and more importantly, I think of you as a friend.

    Have you bookmarked this site? Or is it being elusive in some other way? If so, that's worrisome. Maybe the problem will resolve itself--Ning seems to have problems now and then.

    Anyway, if it is our last communication, thank you for being a friend and for all the lively conversations. I'm glad you and Maxx are continuing your partnership and I hope great progress and success for you. Of course, I also hope your life going forward is happy and fulfilling.

    Charlotte and Valegro say goodbye.

  • Angharad

    I'm glad to hear that we may continue talking, Carol. I'd miss you, if not!

    Your volunteer job at GallupNY sounds great! Equine therapy--any animal therapy really--is so good for everyone concerned. What's better for comfort and healing than unconditional love? And domestic animals love being loved on. BIG win/win!!!

    Here's a link directly to your page. This may work just the same, or maybe better, than the link you have. To be safe, I'd save them both.

    See you again, I hope! 


  • Angharad

    Wow, what's up with that? Of course, I haven't bought riding apparel or tack in years, but I never heard of such a backlog in something as essential as dress boots! Do you suppose it's supply and demand? Are there that many fewer dressage riders??

    Geez, I'm sorry you've had to go through so many starts and stops. What a nuisance. I'm inclined to think it's less a cause of supply and demand than a major trend toward ineptitude which I've noticed virtually everywhere. I have barely hired a worker for a job or placed an order in years which didn't fall far short of expectations or get royally screwed up. There's little integrity anymore.

    Anyway, Carol, I hope your new boots arrive on time and that they fit well and are an acceptable quality. Okay, heavens, no more delays! lol

    Post a picture of them if you can.

    me ツ

  • Angharad

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, Carol!

  • Angharad

    Oh, for goodness' sake! It's shocking to me that dressage must have dropped off so much. It's not like the economy has been bad lately (at least until now). Later in my riding career I got custom boots, but for the longest time I went to Dover or whatever tack store I happened to be around and could find dress boots easily. What a pain for you!

    If the boots are only a smidgen too high, they'll relax down your leg once you've broken them in. Otherwise, yup, it's cobbler time. (A few minutes ago I was looking at the picture you you have a dressage whip? They're not expensive, and a whip is far more effective than a crop for the finesse needed in dressage.) 

    Geez, I'm so sorry about you having to reschedule your trip to Scotland! And I'm right with you about not enjoying warmer summer temperatures without an air-conditioned refuge. I HATE being hot and sweaty--it literally makes me sick.

    This coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc everywhere! Yeah, you do your best to stay safe too. I don't know about you, but I'm well into the high-risk zone. I'm "social distancing" up a storm! Hahaha!

    Do keep me up on what's happening. I'm interested.

  • Angharad

    I'm glad you've ordered a different pair of boots, Carol. Hopefully after a trip to the cobbler, they'll fit well. Now we have to be rid of the coronavirus so there'll be events to which you can wear them!

    I know NY is in super lockdown. I'm glad you got outdoors for some air and that trusty Mickey D's was open for getting grub. 

    It sounds as though you're busying yourself with lots of worthwhile activities to avoid cabin fever. Good idea! At this point, I'm so used to isolation that it's sort of business as usual! Lol

    Continue to take good care of yourself, Carol, and please update me on the next episode of the boot saga. ツ

  • Angharad

    The horse says, "To heck with the ears, but the carrot's good!"

    Happy Easter, Carol!

  • carol machulski

    Hi Angharad's Easter dinner photos. 

  • Angharad

    Hey, Carol...did you ever get your new boots? If so, how did they fit?

    The Easter roast looked yummy! ツ

  • Angharad

    I'm glad you finally got your new boots and that, with some cobbling, they'll work for you! Thanks to COVID-19, that was a very long process.

    The Easter roast really did look delicious. Was it a pork roast? You mentioned stuffing. Was it bread stuffing with onions, celery, sage, and such, or was it something else? I saw lovely green peas. Did you have potatoes or some other starch? And I saw scrumptious cupcakes for dessert. Wow, it looked like a proper feast!

    I was alone for Easter so I didn't really have anything special. (Haha! That's why I'm salivating and asking so many questions about your dinner.)  I think it's a wonderful idea to set a festive table even if there are just 2 of you. Your table looked great. I loved the flowers and the bunny and eggs centerpiece. The china was also very pretty! I hope you had a happy celebration. 

    I'll definitely send good vibes for you and that puzzle. ツ It sounds like a pretty one.

    Take care of yourself.

    me XOXOX 

  • Angharad

    Oh my gosh--that's terrible, Carol!  I'm so sorry that happened! I'm very thankful, however, that you're on the mend, albeit a very long and probably painful healing process. Do the doctors predict you'll be fully back to normal at the end of the process, in terms of walking at least? My VERY best wishes for a faster than expected healing.

    Can you drive still?

    I also know how much you'll miss riding. Hopefully, you can at least go visit the barn and breath in some good horse smells and kiss some muzzles. Maybe be Carrot Mama to everyone. Maybe watch some clinics, if any are offered. Or even get back into judging. Can you still volunteer at GallupNY (doing something which isn't strenuous)?

    I forget--does your son live with you? I know from experience how much harder EVERYTHING is when you're alone, and how much more thought has to be put into everything you do. Please take it as easy as you can and be as careful as you can! Having grab bars installed everywhere and non-slip surfaces applied is GOOD! Geez, whoever said that these are our golden years must have been rich, happily married, and under 50. Haha!

    Write when you get bored or frustrated or just want to talk. It seems to me life should get easier as we age, not harder. 


  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Your welcome, I hope your day was good.

  • Angharad

    WOW, Carol! That is a lot to deal with, but it seems like you're figuring it all out and knocking each challenge down as you encounter it. That's very admirable! I'm glad your son is there to help as much as possible. My thoughts and good vibes will continue to be with you as you heal.

    Happy very belated Birthday, btw! I know your pre-birthday celebration was good (friends, grilled cheese, and all), and I hope the actual day was even better.

    I'm sorry to hear that Maxx has diarrhea. I hope it's been resolved with no dire diagnosis assigned to it. Maxx is a good old age, as you pointed out, but he hopefully has more years ahead of him.

    Yeah, everybody's dealing with Zoom lately. I hear it's sort of a pain to learn and set up correctly, but once you do it's quite effective for meetings. I don't think I knew you were on your community board--is that an elected or appointed position or volunteer? My friend, who is the City Attorney for some cities and villages in upstate, is on the Common Council of the city in which he lives. They've been using Zoom for meetings. Apparently, it has its advantages. Haha!

    Well, keep exercising and doing what the doctors tell you, and staying involved will definitely keep your spirits up (although that doesn't seem to be a problem for you). Get out when you can to visit the barn. And stay safe!


  • Angharad

    Sorry about your car A/C! I hope the repair isn't too expensive.

    BritBox sounds like a fantastic gift! I adore Britcoms and of course British movies and plays, etc. In Britain, it's actual talent that makes you a well-know celebrity, not looks like in America. :>)

    SO glad to hear that Maxx has recovered! I know how happy you'll be to get back to the barn.

    Very cool about the new bed. My ancient Sleep Number bed has finally given up the ghost but I don't have the money to replace it right now. How is your Hybrid bed? I hear the memory foam can be hot. Is it? Is it firm?  What do you like best about it and what do you dislike, if anything? A high bed is good for me--I'm taller and have a little difficulty getting up, so the height really helps.

    Technology can be such a pain. Yeah, when I've used an app for talking to my doctor, it never works through the whole appointment. Do you think the satisfaction of serving as a community board member will far outweigh the hassle?

    I'm glad you're getting out when you can and also seeing friends. I love that you and your friends had "cocktail" hour outside. I'd been isolated for a long time before the pandemic, but this COVID-19 isolation is starting to wear on me. Keep walking when you can--it's such good exercise.

    You and yours take care as well.

    XOXOX A.

  • Angharad

    Glad to hear you like your bed, Carol, and that it's comfortable! A comfortable bed goes a long way toward good sleep.

    I'm also very happy that Maxx is still okay and that his "dad" is interested in you riding him again. He'll probably be retired soon, I'd imagine. I'm frankly surprised the orthopedist cleared you to ride so soon. I think it's wise you've decided to put it off for a bit. Yeah, getting to the barn a couple of times before you ride would be a good thing.

    I love Japanese culture and language! The lecture DVDs sound interesting. I follow several creators on YouTube who are Japanese living in Japan, and several who are not Japanese but live in Japan. They put out content about Japanese culture, language, food, and travel. I particularly love watching a very bright and personable older gay Japanese couple who do a lot of live-stream walks through different areas of Japan--it's so "in the moment" it's almost like being there. Very cool!

    I admire your civic spirit and the desire to know what's going on in your district. Serving on the community board sounds like a good way to give back. 

    Yup. Winter is coming! I'm so glad because I couldn't take the heat anymore.

    Take care of yourself and keep me posted, periodically.

    A xoxox

  • Angharad

    Oh, that sounds lovely, Carol! Firstly, I'm so glad you could get out to the barn to be around Maxx and the other horses! Secondly, a festive Fall display and a show just makes it all that much better! I think with the pandemic and the political environment, holiday spirit seems at a premium. It makes me feel better just to know your were feeling a bit of it. Yeah, I hope you do get out there again pretty soon. If you go sometime during the holidays again, when everything is decorated, take a couple of pictures for me, okay? I'd love to see them. I miss horses/stables terribly!  Thanks for writing such a fun and uplifting note. Stay well. And Happy almost Halloween.

  • Angharad

    Thanks for the great picture, Carol! That does put me in the spirit.

    Huh, I'm a big Halloween and horror movie freak, but I'm not sure that I've ever seen Werewolf of London (1935). I found it on YouTube, so I'll watch it on Halloween night. It'll be fun!

    You have a wonderful All Hallows' Eve, Carol!

    The sound of Halloween: a perfect playlist for All Hallows' Eve – The Vanderbilt Hustler

  • Angharad


    I hope you'll be doing something just a little spooky tonight. I'll be curled up with a mug of tea and the Werewolf of London, thanks to you. Have fun!


  • Angharad

    I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving, whatever form it takes this crazy year, Carol. I'm thankful today for your friendship and for our shared love for horses and dressage. It's been a real pleasure and a boon.


  • Angharad

    2020 has been so difficult, it calls for a two-image Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day, Carol, and that the new year is a much easier and freer one for all of us.

    XOXOX A.

  • Angharad

    I am SO happy to hear you're back in the saddle, Carol!!! I know how deep the desire to do so runs, but it does take guts after a painful accident like yours. What's cool is that you're riding again just a little beyond six months after the accident and waaaaaay before a year! That's good healing.

    The folks at HorseAbility sound great--knowledgeable and caring. They were obviously very careful to be sure your mounting went safely and well. And "good boy, Joe" for being quiet and cooperative.

    Those 20 minutes of walking around the arena on Joe must have felt so exultant and freeing! That's quite a feat. And, although you were stiff and in some pain afterward, it sounds manageable. Hooray! I just can't express how happy I am for you. 

    As you say, I imagine that with each lesson the pain will decrease and the mobility will increase. Here's to a wonderful Spring and Summer of riding!


  • Angharad

    Sounds GREAT, Carol! What a wonderful thing it is to be able to do your exercises and further your healing while on horseback. Just being out in the fresh air and smelling and touching a horse makes everything better, I think. And healing exercise seems much more natural on a horse than working on a machine. A half-an-hour was a nice long workout. Good job!!

    I am SO happy that HorseAbility is accessible to you. Therapeutic riding programs are such wonderful things--unfortunately, there just aren't enough of them. I wonder if HorseAbility gets state or Federal funding. NY is such a fabulous state for social services. You pay high taxes, but the citizenry gets a lot for them.

    Keep up the good work and fabulous progress!

    Angharad xoxox

  • Angharad

    Happy, Happy Easter, Carol!

  • Angharad

    I think it's a big success to be riding at all after everything you went through, Carol! I'm sure it's frustrating not to be riding as you were, but I truly admire your commitment to be on horseback.  

    I'm glad the facility and you are being smart about riding in the excessive heat. Better for everybody--including the horses, of course--to take it easy. I love the "rocking horse."  Is it an Equicizer?  I used a dressage simulator by Racewood a few times--very cool! (That's not me.) Simulators can really help!

    I don't think you've mentioned Pumba to me. Tell me about him/her. I'm glad you got to groom, and that your body could handle the work, Carol. Simply being around horses is SO therapeutic!

    Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay well (have you been able to get fully vaccinated?), have a great summer, and give those horses a hug and a treat for me.

    A. XOXO

  • Angharad

    Hahaha! My post was confusing. The photo is of a Dressage Simulator by Racewood. Here's a photo of an Equicizer:

    Does Trigger look like that? I think the Equicizer is pretty standard for therapeutic riding facilities.

    Pumba sounds lovely. The flaxen mane and tail always stand out so. And his gentle disposition makes you want to kiss him, I'm sure. What a good boy he sounds. Yeah, that's a nice solution--older and mildly compromised horses are given a home and important but untaxing work to do. And, people in recovery or challenged in some way get the benefit of interacting with them and riding them. Win/win for all concerned! 

    Enjoy the rest of the summer program. Trot and post if you can--I know you're brave enough--but don't do it if your body isn't ready.

    Stay well and stay COOL!

    A. XOXOX

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Angharad

    Angelina sounds like a good match, Carol! You're really making progress! I hope you're able to continue riding her. Dropping your stirrups on your own must be such a relief. I'm happy for you! 

    What does Angelina look like? How many hands is she? If she's tall, is that making it more difficult to mount?'s finally feeling like Fall. SO much more comfortable. Are you looking forward to the holidays?

    Keep up the good work and have fun during the coming festive season.


  • Angharad

    Hi, Carol!

    It must be frustrating to just find your posting rhythm and then have Pumba break stride. I'm glad, however, that you're making progress! 

    I don't have WhatsApp--I don't even have a smart phone. So, I'm afraid I can't see the photos. Can you post them here? If not, I'll just imagine them. Hahaha!

    I hope you have something enjoyable planned for Thanksgiving. I can't believe how quickly the days are passing! 

    A. xoxox

  • Angharad

    Thanks for the photos, Carol!

    Pumba looks like a very sweet boy. Wow! That facility is in a gorgeous setting! I'd love to ride there.

    YUM! Cranberry orange pound cake sounds delicious! Will you have all the usual sides with the chicken--potatoes, stuffing, veggies? I'm vegetarian, so I'll probably have the sides only. Haha!

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well, Carol. <3

  • Angharad

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Carol!!! Your dinner sounds fantastic. I'll be right over. Hahaha!

  • Angharad

    Hi, Carol!

    I'm okay...I hope you're well!

    Your lesson sounds very successful. Although it's not really my place, I'm proud of how hard you work at recovering your strength and mobility, and at how committed you are to riding. Many people would avoid pain/discomfort at any cost--they'd just call it a day. Good for you!

    Thanks for the photos. Very festive! They're especially nice because I can't get out to see anyone's decorations or lights.

    If we don't talk before, have a wonderful Christmas! I hope there'll be lots of magic!

    A. XOXOX 

  • Angharad

    Merry Christmas, Carol!!

  • Angharad

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, Carol!

    I was so happy to read that Coffee and his friend were brought home safely from their little excursion! It was terrifying when a horse from PHC would get out of a field and onto the road. I love happy endings!

    Have a great day today. I hope there's some corned beef and cabbage in your future or, at least, some Irish coffee.

    Beannachtaí na féile pádraig ort.



  • Angharad

    Happy Easter, Carol!!

  • Angharad

    Thank you for the Easter greeting, Carol!

    I'm sorry you feel a bit down--or at least uninspired--today, but you're not the only one. LOL  No Easter basket, bunny, or dinner here either. I'm glad, at least, that you and your son are going out for dinner. That's something.

    Perhaps COVID will be gotten under control this year. We can hope. As for humanity, it's not looking great, is it? Haha!

    Oh well. There are still horses!


  • Angharad

    I'm sorry to hear that your left leg is refusing to do its job, but I'm happy you made some progress and, most of all, that you're still riding--period! Good job!!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Carol. I hope you and your son are just going to take it easy with a little turkey, pie, and TV, or some such. Nothing going on here, of course, but I've gotten used to it.

    I'm grateful you're my friend on TBD.


  • Angharad

    Just a couple of cute friends having a holiday confab. Haha!

    Merry, Merry Christmas, Carol! I hope you and your son are enjoying the day.

    A. xoxoxox

  • Angharad

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, Carol!! I hope 2023 brings you everything good.