

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
i am honest no game playing ,been throw to much to play games , love life and there is so much to n joy . i don,t seat the small stuff , ann

Comment Wall:

  • james fahey

    damm you look hot
  • Saspurs83

    Hi Ann...Thanks for the add! By the way, your pictures look great! I look forward to talking to you..Take care,

  • joshua x0

    Hello Ann, it's nice to meet you
  • Ducatiman

    LOve your photos annangel! Especially the Cheesehead...LOL!
  • Steve

    Thanks for adding me as a friend
  • ernest camel

    hi hun you are a very beautiful lady you are an angel,wow!!!!
  • Gary K.

    New here and just wanted to say hi. Nice pics by the way!
  • Jeep Man

    Hello Annangle, I am friends with SASpur 83 and saw you are as well. I am in San Antonio. Looked at your profile and your life perspective is refreashing. Your the real deal when it comes to real people. That is what I am and want to suraound myself with the same. I will leave up to you to invite me as a friend. if you would like to that would be great.
    Hope to talk soon.
  • Wayne L. Christensen

    Pretty angel and doll that you are. I love good stories, please tell me yours.
  • Justin Chance

    Great photos!
  • Justin Chance

    You are very welcome and it is delightful to meet you!
  • Simply Me

    Thanks for the friend request, look forward to chatting with you sometime... Hope you have a wonderful weekend...
  • Hondo Murray

    Hi Ann

    Hope you're having a nice day today.

    I also hope that you won't be too quick to judge me based solely on what I wrote in my friends request. I wouldn't want you to think that I'm an idiot, but on the other hand...I don't mind making a fool of myself if it made you smile in the process.

    I'd love to get to know you. You sound like a pretty genuine person and from what I've learned...sincere people are hard to find online nowadays.

    Take a look at my MySpace page at...

    ...and then feel free to ask me anything you'd like. In exchange... I hope you will tell me more about yourself too.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    PS: Don't forget to take a look at my artwork while you're there. You can find some examples of it in my Photo Albums section.

  • Justin Chance

    Hope all is well in your world!
  • Jim

    Thanks for the add... Nic to meet you.... :)
  • Rita D

    Hi there! I'm Gregg's fiance and he asked me to tell you that he really misses you and hopes you are well. He is without access to a computer until I get there! He hopes to be online soon. He just wanted to let you know he was thinking of you.
  • Fun4life

    You are photogenic & straight forward. Great qualities for any person
  • Hondo Murray

    Hi Ann

    Sorry it's been so long since I last said hello, but I don't get online that much anymore. I guess I get tired of all the typing and playing "Internet Tag" all the time. lol Although, I do enjoy meeting and getting to know new people. I'm definately a warm and sincere, touchy feely kind a guy; and I would like to make some real friends instead of just ending up with hundreds of contacts that hardly ever say hello to each other. Don't get me wrong...I get that people have lives off the net too and that their lives can get pretty busy, but I'm kind of old fashioned in the sense that I believe that you will only get what you put into a relationship...whether it's a friendship or of a more romantic nature. It's like expecting house plants to stay alive without being watered. It's just not going to happen. People need nurturing too. Anyway, that's enough chatter from me for now. lol

    I'd love to hear from you...anytime. So, please feel free to write me anytime you want.

    In fact, let me know if you'd prefer to e-mail me directly.

    I'm even open to talking on the phone if you'd like (personally, I prefer to talk to people that way; because it's a lot easier to comunicate and "hear" a lot of stuff that gets left out in comments and messages). I have unlimited long distance; so it's no trouble. Just let me know if you're interested.

    Til we talk again...

    Hope you're having (or "had", depending on when you're reading this) a nice day pretty lady.


    PS: BTW... Did you ever check out my MySpace page? It's at...

  • Aggie

    For my friend.
  • Aggie

    Happy Thanksgiving
  • Hondo Murray

    Hello again

    I would love to hear from you sometime soon. I hope you'll get in touch.

    You can reach me on MySpace, Facebook or write to me directly at...

    Til then... Have a nice day

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

  • Ladyg

    Red Ribbon
  • Dan Helgren

    Red Ribbon
  • Aggie

    Happy Easter!
  • JR

    You deserve roses, but...
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!