Hondo Murray


Omaha, NE

United States

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About Me:
Hi, Welcome to my page, thanks for stopping by

What would you like to know? I'd be happy to answer any of your questions, just ask.

Until then... This might help to give you some idea of what kind of a person I am...

I was born and raised in Omaha NE, but live about 15 minutes northeast, across the Missouri River in a small town in Iowa. I am the youngest of 4 kids (Ron "R.I.P.", Jeff and Kim). I'm an artist (You can see some examples of my work in my Photo Album section). I'm also happily married (well, most of the time anyway. lol) and I have 5 kids (3 still living at home).

ATTENTION: Don't worry ladies...I'm not a player, and I'm ONLY looking for "friendship" ...Oh and in case you're wondering... My wife (Jodi) doesn't mind my having friends of the opposite sex. I've always felt more comfortable talking to women then men (because women aren't uncomfortable talking about...well, just about anything; where as most guys aren't comfortable talking about anything deeper than the bottom of a can of beer). She's not the jealous type either. So, you can relax...

Don't be afraid to say hello.

"About Me:" continued...

I'm an honest (if I wasn't I wouldn't have told you about my wife, would I?) and warm loving person who likes to laugh and have fun and enjoys a good conversation. I love all kinds of music (but I've been accused of being "stuck in the 70's" lol ...curious, just ask. I also enjoy reading (books & comics), and watching TV and movies (too many to list here, just ask).

I value friendships and I'm hoping to make some new friends here. Unfortunately...

I believe that people are so afraid of being taken advantage of that it often boarders on them being paranoid. Don't get me wrong... I don't blame anyone for being cautious...There's a lot of scary people out there, and it's better to be safe than sorry, but I also think that a little common sense can go a long ways toward protecting you from those kind of strangers, and that there are just as many (if not more) genuine, decent, kind and loving people (like me) out there who just want the same thing that we all want...friendship and companionship. We all want to know people who can relate to us and understand where we are coming from.

I have always enjoyed meeting people and making new friends.

My mother taught me to view strangers as friends we just haven't met yet.

I know that might sound pretty naive to some of you, but I'm not suggesting that you leave your doors unlocked and just invite anyone to stay the night. It's good to be cautious and make wise decisions, but we shouldn't be too quick to dismiss a person or as the saying goes...to judge a book by it's cover. Consider this...

We've all been in the position of being the stranger at one time or another in our lives, and we hope that people will accept us and give us a chance to prove ourselves when we first meet them. I mean, where would we all be if our parents didn't make the effort to trust each other? They were once strangers too.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get on a soap box there. lol I enjoy using the Internet, but I've also noticed that it's really hard to get to know someone online; because of people's fears. I think that we become victims when we allow our fears to keep us hostage and prevent us from opening up.

So, please don't be afraid... You just might end up missing out on a great opportunity to meet someone really nice.

Send me a message and say hello.

NOTE: I don't stop by TBD that much anymore, but I am also on Facebook and MySpace. You can view my MySpace page without having to be one of my friends (I think you'd need for me to add you on Facebook first)...


I hope you like what you see/read.

Looking forward to meeting you.


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  • d's girl

    Hi, Hondo - I saw you online w/us on tbd & wanted to say 'hi.' You sound like a great guy! I hope you'll join in on some of our threads. TBD is developing some great camaraderie right now. I look forward to you joining us. '-)
  • d's girl

    Happy Birthday, Hondo! '-)
  • Ladyg