Lin Frey


Springfield, IL

United States

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    Lin, I'm just starting to learn how to do this. CWO3Robbie
  • Randall Morgan

    hey stranger !
  • J Lee S

    I have those same exact shoes!! Size 14 though.
  • Gator Gal

    Oooo love your background pic! Pretty
    For now I'm mostly on the real TBD but I'm checking in here off and on. We'll figure this thing out I'm sure.
  • kainsworth

    Wishing you a fabulous weekend. Peace.
  • P.A.

    Thank you. I am feeling better but of course there is still the big event to come in 5 or 6 weeks.
    Have a lovely day.
  • Samaa Sax

    Love Will Borrow Every Sorrow

    Kindness if you show
    Faces will glow
    To love if you know
    You can receive any blow
    You may be very slow
    But if efforts steadily flow
    Victory will never say “no’
    Your life will not go low
    In life you will grow
    Solving others’ sorrow
    Creating a peaceful tomorrow
    If your mind is not narrow
    And if your knowledge is thorough
    You will become a hero
    Making hundred starting from zero.

    by MV.Venkataraman

  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Christopher K. Carlson

  • Samaa Sax

    dear sweet Lin...
    ... wishing you light, understanding, and great adventure .... and wish that every plan you have to come the way you wanted and even better...

  • Paul B. Jones

    Hope all is well:)
  • Samaa Sax

    To love is like playing the piano. First, you must learn to play by the rules. Then, you must forget the rules and play from your heart.
    -Source Unknown

  • Hondo Murray

    Hi Lin

    I love your pictures...They're VERY NICE! I have a cat too (as you can plainly see. lol His name's "Oscar". We used to have one that looked just like the orange and white one least until my sister had him put to sleep... It's a loong story, but needless to say... I wasn't happy about it). What kind of flowers are those?

    Anyway, I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out my page and then get back in touch afterward.

    NOTE: I don't usually stop by TBD very much anymore, but I'm also on Facebook and MySpace.

    Hope you're having (had) a nice day Lin
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Ladyg

  • Snagg

    Happy B-Day. Still livin' in Springpatch ?

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!