Balboa Tishman


Miami, FL

United States

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Relationship Status:
It's Complicated

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  • Aggie

    Howdy, Thanks for the invite.
  • Gator Gal

    Oh yeah! Go Gators! my page is now complete
  • Gator Gal

    Thanks Balboa. omg I'd almost forgotten about the bat house too!
    happy 4th
  • UVA__

    Just dropping by to wish you a great 4th ;)

  • Firecracker63

    Hi there Balboa, it's nice to meet you :)
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Hello, Balboa: I look forward to getting to know you better, and being your friend. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the friendship request!

    Best wishes,
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Balboa: Looks like you have a Grand daughter named Zoey? Did I get that right? I do too. She was 1 month old yesterday. There are pics of her on my web site. I'm a new grandmother - no other grandchildren. Take care! Raelein
  • Witchy Luck

    Hi there! What was your name back in the world? (TBD1, in this case) Or are you a new friend?
  • OCNaturalDoc

    you are welcome!
    you know, we have an island named for you here in OC. :-)
  • Queen Saraka

    You are very welcome but I must warn you I am the kind of friend who dashes in and out I was doing on TBD1. Maybe life will slow down soon and I can get to know you then. Until that time...take care! Have fun here.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    I have been busy with my new group formation. i promise to come visit soon! Are you settling in alright?
  • Elizabeth

    Hey, Balboa. Nice to meet you... ~E
  • Elizabeth

    Happy to... :-)
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    I loved you missive. Will reply tomorrow. Thank you!
  • EveD123

    thank you for the invite, a pleasure...(smiles)
  • candelariadelsol

    Thank you Balboa for the sweet chocolates..I was dying to have one..and there you go..thank you my friend..
  • Rita D

    happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Cleveland's Baby Doll!

    Happy Birthday!!......Have a wonderful day.
  • Mustang Sallie

    Hey there! Thanks For the Invite!!!
    Good to Know you!

    Talk to you soon!

  • Rush24a

    Happy Birthday
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy ahppy ooops Happy Birthday Balboa! Many happy returns of the day! Remember to cherish all your happy moments, they make a fine cushion for old age, which is ages and ages from now!
  • bluehcita

    Thank you sweets...
  • caseyjo

    Wow, ..I have pics a lot like yours except mine is taken from Seminole Rest (Not as close) where the indian mounds are. There is so much history there.... I hope that is a good link. This is one of the more beautiful spots in Fl.......soooo serene and the dolphins swim there..Majestic. Next time you go watch the shuttle you should visit the area if you have not been there yet. You will love the peace and tranquility. There is also a large wildlife conservation area nearby which is full of wildlife.......Nice pics Balboa...Thanks for posting them...K
  • caseyjo

    We live in Sanford, much closer than you. We go to Oak Hill quite often, to fish nearby and also stop by the wildlife sanctuary. We have gone out that way twice for the launch, but decided not to go in all the way because we don't want to be stuck in traffic. We love Oak Hill so much it is fine with us to stop at the Indian mound to watch the launch. We aren't the only ones to make that choice. We had a lots of company. Nice to meet you....Kathy
  • Tina


    Dear friend
    I love your presents, it looks delicious, Thank you Tooloo
  • Tina

    Yes I do love my Green Mountains, Do enjoy your Sunday. Yes I am ok, it is only the spirit that counts in the end. Blessings, T
  • CJ

    Anyone who blesses me with chocolate has got to be a wise person! Thanks, Balboa :-)
  • Dolly Dagger


    My bird is a Quaker parrot, quite a bit larger then the Quaker parakeet (though still a small parrot in general). They are A.K.A. a "monk parrot or monk parakeet." The only difference is size. They aren't as loud as your conure nor as talkative as your congo African grey... BTW, the Congo is my favorite subspecies of the African gray :-) My next parrot will be an Eclectus, subspecies Vosmaeri. Meanwhile, Kiwi gets all of my attention.

    I love to talk about birds - let's keep in touch in that regard if you're game - It's hard to find fellow bird lovers out there who want to chat about their parrots/conures, etc.

    Take care,


    Thank you for accepting me as a friend. How very nice of you! Is your bird a conure? Hard for me to tell. I am a parrot head myself. I have a congo african grey and a white Cockatiel.
  • Carito

    Thanks I apreciate your good energy a lot..big hug and kiss...bye..Carito.
  • Lori Lamberski

    My only grandson will be one year old next month. He is my life and my pride and joy. I am so blessed to have him in my life. I know how you feel about your grandchildren cause I feel the same way. What a blessing they are to us.
  • KM1031

    Hi there.. Thanks for the friend invite. I'm in Real Estate in Lake Mary and take care of my Mom most days.. Hope all is well with you..
    Thanks for the card
  • Linda Lee Smith

    :) You're too kind. Thank you for the invitation.
  • Tina

  • Samaa Sax

    thanks my dear friend...
    you made my day...
  • Patti

    That for the invite, Balboa...............that's an interesting name!
  • Tina

  • Raelein MB Haley

    My dear friend, Balboa: I have not been in touch, because I have not been well. I was putting what energy I had into other areas that had been neglected. Please forgive me. I did not forget you, I assure you!

    How are you? Please let me know when you respond to this, and let me know how your life has been going.

    Our girl, Zoey, will be 3 months old on September 8th! So far, we are still on the every other Sunday scedule. It's really too soon to tell how it will work long-term - if they will keep up their end - but they've managed to do it twice now. It's glorious. I get to hold her and talk to her. She has the biggest blue eyes, and she'll look me right in the eyes, and a slow smile will spread across her face. She's doing really good, Balboa. Thanks for asking, and thanks for all the support you've given me.

    I will close for now. Please write back.

    Your friend,
  • Tina

  • Raelein MB Haley

    Balboa: My inbox got corrupted or something, and I lost all my mail. Consequently, I can't write to you from there, or send anything, because the information was lost. Please write there when you can. I can't even reply, because I have nothing to reply to. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care, and as always, I send my best wishes, my dear friend. Take care! -Raelein
  • Raelein MB Haley

    Oh, I'm supposed to see Zoey tomorrow. My son is watching her, while her mother works. He will be watching her 2 days a week, on his days off. He said he will bring her by to see me on the days he has her. Isn't that just grand? I think so. I wanted to share that with you!
  • Samaa Sax

    A Forest's Love
    In a peaceful forest lies
    A young girl with bright blue eyes
    Her hair shines gold like the sun
    Like a rainbow whose colors align as one
    As the morning sun rises one more
    Casting sunlight across the forest floor
    Whenever the morning sun rises
    The pretty young girl smiles at the surprises
    by Angel

  • Chez moi

    Happy Birthday, Balboa!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday!

  • Hippy

    Happy Tuesday Hugs...
    Hugs Hippy....