
Washington, DC

United States

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About Me:
A handful of Dry leaves..

"The path that leads to my innermost being makes me feel more and more a tremendous urgency as you come closer to the center of my being..the farther away you are from myself, the less is the magnetic pull of your being..It is a simple scientific fact..."

As you come closer to the magnetic field, you become more and more aware of a tremendous urgency. Something is going to happen, something that is going to transform you completely, something for which you have been waiting for many, many lives..something that you are not even aware what to call it..this is one part of the feeling of urgency...

The second part..probably we will discover it together..

My live peacefully and to let you live in peace..

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  • Samaa Sax

    A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live.
    Bertrand Russell

  • Aggie

    Just because
  • Just Mimi

    I just wanted to wish you a wonderful day!

    Mimi Mim